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In reading atheist literature or web sites, one finds some atheists who insist that they are moral people and that human beings do not need a god to be moral. This site proposes that though they can choose to be relatively decent people, they are far and distant from the quality of morality fulfilled by true Christians.

The key word in the above question is, “moral.” What is morality? Various sources define it differently. This should not surprise us.  Without a God-given moral code, all humans have the right to decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong, and if they, like the arch-atheist Nietzsche, want to propose that  “good is evil and evil is good,” who is to say otherwise?

Are there decent people among atheists, therefore? Are there atheists who may be kind and honest and respectful of others? Most probably.  Are they always kind, honest and respectful? Probably not. If they choose to cheat on their self-chosen ethics, who will know? Who will they answer to, when they deviate? If they want to rationalize their unethical actions (and the human mind is an expert at this, as Freud taught us) who will be there to present to them the opposite viewpoint?

For truly committed Christians, deviating from God’s will is unacceptable. If and when a deviation takes place because of weakness, the conscience will quickly create agonizing guilt, which is often followed by repentance and a return to the straight path. If an atheist commits adultery, for instance, how much guilt will he or she feel afterward? How many rationalizations can one come up with to commit adultery? Quite a few. If atheists choose to cheat on their income taxes, rationalizing that the government is stealing from them, will they feel guilt?

Atheists can choose to be decent people and may succeed in doing so to a significant extent, but they have human nature fighting against that choice. Carnal, selfish human nature is at work in them as well as in religious people. Human nature will tempt them as well as it tempts sincere Christians. True Christians  have to create titanic mental distortions to escape the mental condemnation-- atheists don’t. Atheists may actually choose to continue in their actions and not necessarily feel guilty, because they decide what is right or wrong and they can rationalize their actions ad nauseam and their minds may go perfectly along.

Thus, atheists can be relatively moral,  but only God knows if and when they choose to deviate from their flexible morality. Do they deviate? I have no doubt that they do; and when they do, no one will be there to castigate them and thus it will be easier for them to deviate next time around.

Christians have a Source to turn to, when temptations becomes too strong : God’s Spirit. They will pray and they will receive super-human strength—if they are sincerely converted, that is. Tele Evangelists and evil priests who have blackened the name of Christ are not to be included in this group. Superficial, nominal Christians don’t belong in it either. Hypocrites are an embarrassment to humanity as well as to God Almighty.

This, therefore, is the fundamental difference between converted Christians and atheists. Christians have a conscience that is continually instructed, nurtured and strengthened by the Scriptures and prayer, atheists do not. Christians have a great Source of power to turn to, to fight and defeat deceitful, selfish, rationalization-prone human nature, atheists don’t. And this makes a world of a difference.

The type of morality embraced by genuine Christians is not only a morality of kindness and decency; it also demands virtues that atheists do not have to be subject to, and that most do not care about. Atheists don’t have to love and forgive those who abuse them. They are not required to pray and wish the best for those who mistreat them. They are not expected to turn the other cheek and to endure persecutions with a forgiving spirit.  Atheists may choose to stay faithful to their mate, but they are not required to never entertain adulterous thoughts, as Christ commanded. They can choose to indulge in lusting after pornographic material, or look lustfully at somebody else’s wife or husband, but the followers of Christ cannot. They can hate, but Christians are told that that it is never allowed.

The morality of true Christians is a morality that is by far more demanding and all encompassing. It not only deals with actions, but with thoughts and attitudes. It is higher-level morality that requires spiritual help to fulfill.

Can atheists, therefore, be moral? The answer is, partially and inconsistently. Higher-level morality is not achievable by atheists or believers, unless there is total commitment to it, and unless it is nurtured by God’s Word, prayer and the empowering of the Holy Spirit. Anything less than this will lead to temporary and inconsistent morality that will be undermined by perceived need, outside pressures and sin-prone human nature.

Kind and decent atheists, therefore, have to be respected, if they choose to follow such a path. They are to be admired if they are able to maintain decency on a relatively consistent level. Yet, they are following an incomplete path and they will need to come to the point where they will finally admit to being weak in their attempts at being moral beings and that they are in need of help from a Higher Power, if they are desirous to truly achieve and experience higher-level morality on a consistent basis. 

Michael Caputo

We Believe in God

The Greatest Artists, Musicians, Philosophers, Scientists, Writers and Poets Believed in God...(And a great many Nobel-Prize winners).








Unlike what atheists propagate, the greatest minds of the past believed in God. Read the fully-referenced proofs in this book.








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