Atheists are
quick to point out that throughout history large numbers of people were
killed in the name of Religion; but they fail to mention the countless
millions who
were killed by leaders who worshipped themselves or by militant atheist-Communists who were
driven by a hatred for God and Religion.
"The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror,
Repression, published by Harvard University Press, is the work of eleven
scholars that ignited a continental firestorm when it first hit bookstores
in France in 1997. The authors estimate the century's death toll at the
hands of Communist governments (excluding wars) at 100 million people.
Country by country, deaths by the state in China stand at 65 million, in
the USSR 20 million, Vietnam 1 million, North Korea 2 million, Cambodia 2
million, Eastern Europe 1 million, Latin America 150,000, Africa 1.7
million, and Afghanistan 1.5 million. Additionally, the international
Communist movement murdered about 10,000 people throughout the world."
(Author's emphasis).
Daniel J Flynn, "Ideas Have
Consequences... Like Murder, Tyranny, and Repression," Accuracy in
Academia, <http://www.academia.org/campus_reports/2000/March_2000_4.html>
(9 July, 2008).
major atheist (Richard Dawkins, I believe) was interviewed not long ago on a
national station.
During the interview, he was asked to justify the evils perpetrated on
tens of millions by the
atheist leader, Stalin. The atheist’s response was that the connection
between Stalin’s atheism and his great crimes is unfounded. Stalin, he said,
had mustaches; could you not use the same logic, he added, and
conclude that he killed
people because he had mustaches?
The atheist’s
response is foolish to such a magnitude that it is not really deserving deserving
of an answer. Nonetheless, for the sake of fairness, we will endeavor to
assess his objection.
Was the philosophy of
atheism espoused by communists responsible for the mass murders perpetrated
by communist leaders such as Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Ceausescu? Let's look at some
enlightening facts that militant atheists prefer not to acknowledge.
1. Communists leaders were motivated by a
strong desire to impose an ideological "package" over the whole world. The
package included the eradication of Religion, defined by arch-atheist, Karl
Marx, as “The opium of the people.”
According to Marx, religion helped keep
the masses passive before the abuse of the wealthy and powerful, and the
only way to free them from the “stupor," God and
religion had to be eradicated.
Lenin embraced Marx's views and so did Stalin up to the Second World war. The enforcement of Atheism was a “critical”
requirement for
Communism’s success, and thus it had to be implemented at all costs.
This meant oppressive measures, such as brainwashing in state schools, the
closing of houses of worship and arresting countless religious leaders. (For
an enlightening discussion of Atheistic-Communism's persecution of the
Christian church see the article,
Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union.)
2. Karl Marx’s extremist followers
were not in any way impeded in their blood-thirsty global quest by fear of a
Higher Power.
Atheism took very efficient care of this
“limiting factor.”
Since the end justified the means, as Machiavelli had instructed, they could
do whatever was necessary to bring about a workers’ paradise. Because the
opposition in some cases proved to be powerful and resilient, drastic means
were used. Large numbers
were killed for refusing to abandon their religious beliefs. A great many
were sent to concentration camps. (For an
enlightening, "first-hand" account of suppression of Religion
and other "enemies" of Atheistic-Communism in Russia, please read,
The Gulag Archipelago,
by Alexander Solzhenitsyn --
especially Chapter 2.)
Communist-atheist leaders, in their own eyes, became supreme, all-knowing,
all-wise and all powerful "gods." They had total control over people’s lives
and over who lived and who died.
Being "gods," they asserted their evil
schemes over the masses with brutality and mercilessness.
4. People like Stalin were
interested in propagating an ideology, not a look.
Nobody was persecuted in the Soviet Union
for not having a mustache like Stalin,
or for not wearing a uniform similar to his, or for not liking the same
food, music or sports.
Large numbers were persecuted and killed
for practicing religion, and for being interferences to atheist-communist
Now some would retort that Stalin
had a change of heart during the Second World war and that he recognized and
elevated anew the Russian Orthodox Church. This is a historically correct
statement, but in no way does it indicate that Stalin moved toward theism.
The move was strictly utilitarian.
Steven Merritt Miner
in his work
Stalin's Holy War
informs us that Stalin had ulterior motives behind the move.
"Moscow's religious policy at
this time can only be understood in the context of Soviet security
considerations, especially Moscow's concerns about the disaffection of
non-Russian nationalities. The Kremlin saw the church not only, and perhaps
not even primarily, as a tool for mobilizing and harnessing Russian
nationalism throughout the union, but rather as one of several instruments
for countering and disarming non-Russian, and anti-Soviet, nationalism. As
most tsars could have told Stalin, the Russian Orthodox Church was an
effective agent for the Russification of the ethnically diverse and
contentious western regions." [1]
This move, though "seemingly" noble, did
not neutralize or excuse his heinous actions toward countless Christians and
Muslims who were killed so as to facilitate the spread of Stalin's
atheistic-communistic ideology.
Militant atheism,
therefore, was a major factor in the murder of countless millions, during
the past century. Unfortunately, militant atheism, is still driven by some of the
same extremist views reminiscent of atheist-communist regimes of old.
They, like their predecessors, do not
hesitate to admit that they hate God, religion and that they would like to
see both disappear forever.
Furthermore, they are driven by a hatred for the unborn, and a blind support
for common-law living, sexual immorality, euthanasia, etc.
understandable concern of many is that a propagation of their philosophy of
meaninglessness and their blind allegiance to atheistic evolution would
lead, in the long run, to a return to a cold-hearted and dangerous
devaluing of the weak and the needy in society;
though they "assure" us that that is not
part of their agenda. We believe that their cold-heartiness
toward millions of unborn babies, and their total support of euthanasia
indicates otherwise.
Theist author,
Dinesh D'Souza, eloquently expresses similar concerns in the
following quote:
The crimes of atheism have generally been perpetrated through a hubristic
ideology that sees man, not God, as the creator of values. Using the latest
techniques of science and technology, man seeks to displace God and create a
secular utopia here on earth. Of course if some people - the Jews, the
landowners, the unfit, or the handicapped - have to be eliminated in order
to achieve this utopia, this is a price the atheist tyrants and their
apologists have shown themselves quite willing to pay. Thus they confirm the
truth of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's dictum, "If God is not, everything is
permitted. [2]
That is the kind of world we must strive to prevent.
That is the kind of world this site, and
many others like it, are determined to combat.
Merritt Miner, Steven,
Stalin's Holy War.
The university of North Carolina Press, 2002. <http://uncpress.unc.edu/browse/page/542>
(23 October, 2009).
D’Souza, Dinesh, “Atheism, Not Religion is the Real Force Behind the Mass
Murders of History.” The Christian Science Monitor. (November
21, 2006 edition). <
(9 July, 2008).
"Soviet policy toward religion was based on the ideology of
Marxism-Leninism, which made atheism the official
doctrine of the Communist Party, though, in theory, each successive Soviet
constitution granted freedom of belief. As the founder of the Soviet state
V. I.
Lenin put it:
Religion is
opium of the people:
this saying of
Marx is the cornerstone of the entire ideology of
Marxism about religion. All modern
religions and churches, all and of every kind of religious organizations are
always considered by Marxism as the organs of bourgeois reaction, used for
the protection of the exploitation and the stupefaction of the working
class. (Lenin,
V. I..
"About the attitude of the working party
toward the religion.".
Collected works, v. 17, p.41.
Retrieved on 2006-09-09.
Marxism-Leninism has consistently advocated for the suppression, and,
ultimately, the disappearance of religious beliefs, due to their
unscientific and superstitious character.
In the 1920s and 1930s, such organizations as the
League of the Militant Godless were active in
anti-religious propaganda. Atheism was the norm in schools, communist
organizations (such as the
Young Pioneer Organization), and the media."
Religion in the Soviet
Wikipedia. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_the_Soviet_Union#cite_note-5>
(23 October, 2009).
"Sadly, the specter of Communism
still haunts the world. In Russia, one-third of the people believe that
Stalin "did more good than bad for the country," according to a recent poll.
In China, thousands of dissidents are imprisoned in the slave labor camps
known as the laogai. In North Korea, masses starve as the leadership
threatens to unleash nuclear war. In Cuba, dissidents are routinely
imprisoned for peacefully petitioning for democratic reform."
Victims of Communism Memorial
Foundation,. <http://www.victimsofcommunism.org/history_communism.php>
(5 Jan., 2007).
"Whatever the motives
for atheist bloodthirstiness, the indisputable fact is that all the
religions of the world put together have in 2,000 years not managed to kill
as many people as have been killed in the name of atheism in the past few
It's time to abandon
the mindlessly repeated mantra that religious belief has been the greatest
source of human conflict and violence.
Atheism, not religion, is the real force
behind the mass murders of history.”
D’Souza, Dinesh, “Atheism, Not Religion is the Real
Force Behind the Mass Murders of History.” The Christian Science Monitor. (November
21, 2006 edition). <
(9 July, 2008).
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