Gleason L. Archer
An Encycopedia of Bible Difficulties
Publisher: Zondervan, 1982, 352p
ISBN 0-310-43570-6.
David E. O'Brien
Today's Handbook for Solving Bible Difficulties
Bethany House Publishers, 1990, 495 pages,
ISBN 0-87123-814-4
Norman L. Geisler, Thomas A. Howe
When Critics Ask: A Comprehensive Handbook on Bible Difficulties.
Scripture Press, 1992.
ISBN 0-89693-698-8.
John W. Haley
Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible
Whitaker House, 473p.
ISBN 0-88368-157-9
F.F. Bruce
Are the New Testament Documents Reliable?
Craig Blomberg
The Historical Reliability of the Gospels
InterVarsity 1987
J. Harold Geenlee
Scribes, Scrolls & Scripture
A Student's Guid to New Testament Textual Criticism
Eerdmans, 102 p., ISBN 0-80280082-3
deals with the different variant reading in the New Testament and is a great
introduction to understand the issues and implications
Norman L. Geisler, William E. Nix
From God to Us.
Moody 1974. 302p. $12.99 ISBN 0-8024-2878-9
Norman L. Geisler, William E. Nix
General Introduction to the Bible.
Moody 1968. $29.99 ISBN 0-8024-2916-5
Norman L. Geisler, Abdul Saleeb
Answering Islam: The Crescent in Light of the Cross.
Baker Books 1993. 336p. $17.99 ISBN 0-8010-3859-6
McDowell, Josh.
The Best of Josh McDowell: A Ready Defense.
Nelson, 1993., 566p. $16.99
ISBN 0-8407-4419-6.
Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Peter H.
Davids, F. F. Bruce, Manfred T. Brauch
Hard Sayings of the Bible
InterVarsity Press, pp. 808, ISBN 0-8308-1423-X, $29.99