Atheists delude themselves into thinking that unbelievers are responsible
for most of the social advancements in our world. No doubt they have been
among the foremost supporters of euthanasia and abortion; this, though, can
hardly be seen as "social progress." Opposing capital punishment while
supporting legalized murder is hardly something to gloat about. Furthermore,
propagating that the people who first spoke for prison reform, the humane
treatment of the mentally ill, the women's right to vote, and calling for an
end to slavery were people who were free from religion is tantamount to a
grand self-delusion, or a heinous lie.
first of all, let's read what the the arch-atheist "Freedom
From Religion Foundation"
propagates in this regard.
"The history of Western civilization shows us that
most social and moral progress has been brought about
by persons free from religion. In modern
times the first to speak out for prison reform, for humane treatment of the
mentally ill, for abolition of capital punishment, for women's right to
vote, for death with dignity for the terminally ill, and for the right to
choose contraception, sterilization and abortion have been freethinkers,
just as they were the first to call for an end to slavery."
(Freedom From Religion Foundation Web Site. <>
Are these
assertions true? Let's look at the evidence.
"Terry Carlson, in his 1990
biographical tract on Howard, remarks:
'Howard's detailed proposals
for improvements were designed to enhance the physical and mental health of
the prisoners and the security and order of the prison. His recommendations
pertaining to such matters as the prison location, plan and furnishings, the
provision of adequate water supply, and prisoner's diet promoted hygiene and
physical health. Recommendations concerning the quality of prison personnel,
rules related to the maintenance of standards of health and order and an
independent system of inspection, reflect the need for prison personnel to
set a moral example.'"
"John Howard, Prison
(27 Dec. 2006).
"In his major work
The State of the Prisons in England and Wales (1777), John Howard insists
strongly on the importance of religious services and education in prisons:
"A Chaplain is necessary here in every view. - To reform prisoners, or to
make them better as to their morals, should always be the leading view in
every house of correction, and their earnings should only be a secondary
object. As rational and immortal beings we owe this to them...."
Schmid, Muriel, "The
eye of God: Religious Beliefs and Punishment in Early Nineteenth-Century
Prison Reform." Theology Today
(28 January, 2007).
"There can be no
question that John Howard merits the accolade of being the father of prison
"Non-conformist, devout and
narrow-minded in adherence to his own interpretations of Christian doctrine,
he could nonetheless be tolerant and catholic to those who held different
theological views. As long as they were involved in good works to combat
human suffering and wickedness, they were accepted. "
"Biography of John
John Howard Society Web Site. <>
(27 Dec. 2006).
Philippe Pinel
and John Tuke are considered to be the pioneers in humanizing the treatment
of mental patients in mental institution. Before Pinel and Tuke, other
caring people invested time and energy into serving the mentally ill. They
were the ones who were the true roots of reform.
"The Irish Saint Dympna,
a distant and misty figure, with her martyrdom
inspired a millenary tradition of family and community care for the
mentally ill at Geel, in Belgium. She is the Catholic patron of the
mentally afflicted."
"The French Saint
Vincent de Paul,
a powerful leader, took care of the insane and
the poor in gentle ways; worked for reforms in hospitals,
education, delinquency, and penology; founded religious orders
dedicated to the sick; and set in motion the hospitals of La
Salpêtrière and Le Bicêtre."
Portuguese-Spaniard Saint John of God,
a humble shepherd, a marginal soldier, an ignorant construction
worker, and a modest salesman of books, has had more relevance to
psychiatry than has Dympna, the martyr, or Vincent de Paul, the social
No other saint has had more practical and sustained influence on
hospital psychiatry than he, and it is a mystery of sorts that his
name still awaits the distinguished place of honor it so richly
"The first humane impulse of
any considerable importance in this field seems to have been aroused in
America. In the year 1751 certain members of
the Society of Friends founded a small
hospital for the insane, on better principles, in Pennsylvania. To use the
language of its founders, it was intended ``as a good work, acceptable to
God.'' Twenty years later Virginia established a similar asylum, and
gradually others appeared in other colonies."
Dickson White,
Andrew, A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in
Christendom, New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1898. ",
(30 Dec. 2006).
Philippe Pinel:
It is hard to determine the religious views of this
very humane and caring man. No doubt he deviated from the previously held
view that serious mental illness was the work of demons. Yet, his advocacy
for humane treatment was by no means new, as seen above.
William Tuke:
"A similar (Humane) regime of care was advocated by
William Tuke at the York Retreat founded in England in 1792 with Quaker
assistance. Along with removing mechanical restraint whenever possible, Tuke
emphasized humanitarian treament of the patients, as well as farm work,
recreation, exercise, ample food and an atmosphere of religious sentiment in
keeping with the Quaker foundations of the Retreat."
"History of the
Brandon Mental Health Centre."
Dec. 2006).
Quaker Named
William Tuke
(1732-1819) ...founded the
York Retreat, where
about 30 patients lived as part of a small community in quiet country houses
and engaged in a combination of rest, talk, manual work. The efforts of the
York Retreat centered around minimizing restraints and cultivating
rationality and moral strength."
"Moral treatment,"
Wikipedia, <>
Dec. 2006).
"Did the actions of the conscientious objectors (COs) in
exposing conditions at institutions during and immediately after World War
II make a difference in America’s care and treatment of people with mental
illness and mental retardation? The answer to this question is most
certainly "Yes," but it is difficult to say how much of a difference they
"Disability Studies for Teachers," CHP Center on Human Policy. <>
(17 April, 2007).
"During World
War II many Mennonite conscientious objectors worked in mental hospitals in
lieu of military service, and saw the need for a level of care based on
individual dignity and recognition that we are all created in the image of
God. They discovered that many of their patients could be moved toward
wholeness through simple caring and genuine love. In the years that followed
the war, Mennonite churches established mental health centers for the
purpose of assuring excellence in treatment for their own people and for
the broader community. "
"Kings View Behavioral Health System,
Company History." <>
(17 April,
The first philosopher who wrote eloquently against the inhumanity of capital
punishment was the Italian, Cesare Beccaria, who was a strong believer in
the Christian God. The following quote extracted from his very influential
work, Of Crimes and Punishments, shows, unequivocally, that he was a
"In short, others have
imagined, that the greatness of the sin should aggravate the crime. But the
fallacy of this opinion will appear on the slightest consideration of the
relations between man and man, and between God and man. The relations
between man and man are relations of equality. Necessity alone hath
produced, from the opposition of private passions and interests, the idea of
public utility, which is the foundation of human justice. The other are
relations of dependence, between an imperfect creature and his Creator, the
most perfect of beings, who has reserved to himself the sole right of being
both lawgiver and judge; for he alone can, without injustice, be, at the
same time, both one and the other. If he hath decreed eternal punishments
for those who disobey his will, shall an insect dare to put himself in the
place of divine justice, or pretend to punish for the Almighty, who is
himself all sufficient, who cannot receive impressions of pleasure or pain,
and who alone, of all other beings, acts without being acted upon? The
degree of sin depends on the malignity of the heart, which is impenetrable
to finite beings. How then can the degree of sin serve as a standard to
determine the degree of crimes? If that were admitted, men may punish when
God pardons, and pardon when God condemns; and thus act in opposition to the
Supreme Being."
Cesare, Of Crimes and Punishments, Chapter 7.
(28 January, 2007).
PS. There are
Christians on both sides of the capital punishment camp. This site is not
attempting to render a judgment on this issue , but to simply discredit
atheists' false assertions.
The early advocates of women's rights fell all along on the belief/unbelief
continuum. Mills, the philosopher, and champion of women's rights, tended
toward theism. Susan B. Anthony appears to have started as a Christian and
at the end of her life appears to have moved toward an atheistic world view.
Others were Deists, that is they believed in a Creator but rejected
Christianity. Others were very committed Christians. Here is the evidence
that major names who favored the vote for women believed in God.
"Beyond attacking
arguments concerning the essence of God, Mill undermines a variety of
arguments for his existence including all a priori arguments.
He concludes that the only legitimate proof of God is an a posteriori
and probabilistic argument from the design of the universe – the traditional
argument (stemming from Aristotle) that complex features of the world, like
the eye, are unlikely to have arisen by chance, hence there must be a
Heydt, Colin,
"John Stuart Mill: Overview," The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
(28 January, 2007).
STANTON (1815-1902)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was one of the two founders of the American Women
Suffragette Movement, together with Susan B. Anthony. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
was clearly not sympathetic to established Christian interpretations of
scriptures relating to women, but she did believe in God as her address on
women's rights indicates.
"I believe in
Christ—I believe that command Resist not evil to be divine. Vengeance is
mine and I will repay saith the Lord— Let frail man, who cannot foresee the
consequences of an action walk humbly with his God—loving his enemies,
blessing those who curse him and always returning good for evil. "
"Let woman live
as she should, let her feel her accountability to her Maker— Let her
know that her spirit is fitted for as high a sphere as man's and that her
soul requires food as pure as refreshing as his—let her live
first for God and she will not make imperfect man an object of
reverence and idolatry... "
"Address by Elizabeth Cady Stanton on Woman's Rights, September 1848." <>
(28 January, 2007).
MOTT (1793 - 1880)
"Religion often constituted the backbone of belief for early feminists, many
of whom were Quakers like
Lucretia Mott who,
along with Stanton, organized Seneca Falls -- the first woman's rights
convention in America."
Quakers, and she became a Quaker minister
in 1821.... In 1848 she and another reformer,
Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
organized the
first women's rights convention
in the United States at Seneca Falls,
Out of this meeting came a series of resolutions demanding increased rights
for women, including better educational and
and the right to vote."
"Lucretia Mott," Lucid Cafe. <>
((28 January, 2007).
(1792 - 1873)
Sarah Grimke was
a Bible loving Quaker woman who was passionately dedicated to women's
wrote bitterly that men were attempting to "drive women from almost every
sphere of moral action" and called on women "to rise from that degradation
and bondage to which the faculties of our minds have been prevented from
expanding to their full growth and are sometimes wholly crushed."
"Sarah Grimke," Spartacus Educational. <>
(28 January, 2007).
"According to Gerda Lerner, "Seen in the
light of twentieth-century feminist theory, her accomplishment is
remarkable; she offered the best and most coherent Bible argument for
woman's equality yet written by a woman;"
"Sarah Grimké,"
Sunshine for Women. <>
(28 January, 2007).
"Strong religious
convictions enabled the nineteenth-century feminist Josephine Butler to
withstand the on-slaught of abuse that she received from those both inside
and outside of the woman's movement. Other women's rights activists felt she
was far too radical and her efforts would harm their attempts at extending
educational and employment opportunities and fighting for legal and
political rights for women Her opponents viewed her as a threat to the moral
foundations of society itself. "
"Butler's involvement in the sex trade began very simply:
she wanted to "rescue fallen women" for Jesus. She would visit prisons and
hospitals and take women into her home where she nursed the sick, gave the
dying comfortable surroundings, and provided job skills and a job to the
able-bodied. As her name became known to underclass women, they began to
seek out her help, her understanding of the causes of prostitution and the
life of women in the underclass increased, and her involvement in the reform
of the sex trade deepened."
"Josephine Butler," Sunshine for Women.
(28 January, 2007).
"Josephine Butler was
not only a vehement feminist but a passionate Christian; she once said
"God and one woman make a majority". She figures in the Anglican
calendar as worthy of commemoration, becoming in effect an Anglican
saint. She is also represented in windows in Liverpool's Anglican
Cathedral, and St. Olave's Church in the City of London."
(1855 – 1946)
Katherine C.
Bushnell (1856-1946), was a doctor, evangelist and social reformer.
"...Katherine began to realize “that
woman’s plight was rooted in the fact that the Bible was seen to support the
degradation and suppression of women. Her conclusion was that the Bible
needed to be reinterpreted. . .”1 Her final battle, conducted on
God’s Word to Women, has basically been ignored by Bible scholars."
Collins, Barbara,
"Katharine Bushnell." <>
(28 January, 2007).
"Perhaps the worldview of the
Deist best explains the religion of the enlightenment feminist. Deists
sometimes referred to deity but only to give authority to their views of
human reason and equality. Early Enlightenment feminist, if religious,
viewed God as both distant and moral; God had “endowed” humans with reason
and humanity was obligated to use reason for good. Since humans were
responsible for others, action for good became a moral mandate. Early
liberal feminists took responsibilities seriously. In a sense they forced
the concept of equality into ethical theory. The concept of equality equated
with doing good led to political action by liberal feminists. Each one of
their demands involved issues of equality."
Larson, Viola, "Early Feminism:
Equality, Ethical Theory and Religion."
Naming The Grace Web Site. <>
(28 January, 2007).
JOHN WESLEY (1703-1791)
John Wesley
eloquently wrote against slavery and condemned it powerfully. His work
"Thoughts Upon Slavery" published in 1774 is unequalled in its forceful
condemnation of the slave trade.
"If, therefore, you have any regard to
justice, (to say nothing of mercy, nor the revealed law of God,) render
unto all their due. Give liberty to whom liberty is due, that is, to
every child of man, to every partaker of human nature. Let none serve
you but by his own act and deed, by his own voluntary choice. Away with
all whips, all chains, all compulsion! Be gentle toward all men; and see
that you invariably do unto every one as you would he should do unto
"In 1787 Wilberforce was
introduced to
Thomas Clarkson and
the growing group campaigning against the
slave trade by
Sir Charles Middleton
and Lady Middleton, at their house in
Kent, and was
persuaded to become leader of the parliamentary campaign."
"After months of planning, on
12 May 1789 he made his first major speech on the subject of
abolition in the
House of Commons, in
which he reasoned that the trade was morally reprehensible and an issue of
natural justice. Drawing on Clarkson’s evidence, he described in detail the
appalling conditions in which
slaves traveled from
Africa in the
middle passage, and
argued that abolishing the trade would also bring an improvement to the
conditions of existing slaves in the
West Indies. He put
forward twelve propositions for abolition, largely based upon Clarkson's
Essay "On the Impolicy of the African Slave Trade," which had been
printed in large numbers and widely circulated."
Wilberforce," Wikipedia. <>
(29 January, 2007).
CLARKSON (1760-1846)
"After winning the prize,
Clarkson experienced what he called a spiritual revelation from God as he
traveled on horseback between
Cambridge and
London, having broken
his journey at Wadesmill, near
Hertfordshire: 'A
thought came into my mind, he wrote, 'that if the contents of the Essay
were true, it was time some person should see these calamities to their end'
(Clarkson, History, vol. 1). It was this experience that 'ordered'
him to devote his life to abolishing the trade."
Clarkson," Wikipedia. <>
(31 January, 2007).
"Benezet came from a
French family from
Saint-Quentin. As a
member of the
Religious Society of Friends
Philadelphia, he
worked to convince his Quaker brethren that
slave-owning was not
consistent with
doctrine. He believed
that the British ban on slavery should be extended to the colonies (and
later to the independent states in North America)."
"Anthony Bezenet,"
Wikipedia. <>
(31 January, 2007).
RAMSEY (1733–1789)
"He strongly criticized the
cruel treatment and punishment meted out to the slaves, and became more
convinced of the need to improve their conditions. This led him into
involvement in local government, but he was the target of much antagonism
and personal attack from the planters, who resented his interference,
because of his measures to ameliorate the conditions of the slaves. His
letters to the bishop of London illustrate the attitudes of the
American colonists in
the late
18th century."
"James Ramsey,"
Wikipedia. <>
(31 January, 2007).
SHARP (1735-1813)
"It was through his efforts
that bishops for the
United States of America
were consecrated by the
Archbishop of Canterbury
1787. In the same
year he was the means of founding a society for the abolition of slavery,
and a settlement for emancipated slaves at
Sierra Leone. Through
this society, Granville came into contact with
Thomas Peters, a
former American slave that fought with the British during revolution. Sharp
was instrumental in helping Peters receive a land grant in what is now
Sierra Leone."
Wikipedia. <>
(31 January, 2007).
"The first parliamentary petition
against the slave trade had been presented to the British Parliament by 300
Quakers, largely from the London area, in 1783. Following this initial step
a small offshoot group from amongst the petitioning Quakers, sought to form
a small but committed non-denominational group to lobby for greater Anglican
and Parliamentary support."
Legalized abortion has definitely been supported by many, if not most
atheists, especially feminists who embrace atheism. However, it is
important to note that some of the major mothers of Feminism strongly
opposed it .
B. Anthony and
Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
two of the Founding Mothers of feminism, strongly opposed abortion.
Victoria Woodhull,
the first female presidential candidate, shared their opposition."
For more on the
mothers of Feminism who opposed abortion, visit the following web site:
( 28
January, 2007).
It should not come as a surprise that atheist organizations proudly
support euthanasia. We gladly allow them the honor of being major
supporters of this "social advancement."
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