This author is
pro-life. He accepts the rationale behind allowing abortion when the
mother's life is in danger. From his Christian perspective, though, abortion
is murder and a heinous sin. He also holds that it is self-evident that for
every abortion one not only ends a life but, potentially, also a
vast number of other lives who would have descended from the killed baby.
Governments that try to reach compromises have fallen into evident
irrationality and propagate absurd justifications in defense of sin.
The battle of course revolves around a very simple question: When does life
begin? The right of a woman to choose becomes a non-issue, if life begins at
conception. No human has the right to take another human life, period.
Conveniently, the pro-abortion side (Atheists are almost totally
pro-abortion) informs us that life begins when various biological events of
their choice take place within the fetus. Thus some propose a few weeks,
others a few months. Some have settled for three months.
This author
finds such starting points absurd, ludicrous and just plain irrational.
We are told by the abortionists in our midst that life does not begin at
conception but when they, the new gods, decide it happens. Beside the
blatant arrogance behind such a viewpoint, one cannot but be shocked by the
distorted logic used to justify it.
What some abortionists propose to us is that before midnight at the end of
the third month the fetus is not life, but one second later it "does" become
life. Thus, if a doctor pulls a baby out of the mother a few seconds
"before" midnight, it is only lifeless tissue, and it is therefore legal. On
the other hand, if he waits a few more seconds into the fourth month, it
would be a "living" baby, and thus illegal.
Can someone help me to understand this absurdity, please...
This is the kind of surreal justifications that millions of supposedly
intelligent human beings (and most atheists) have actually adopted to
justify abortion. This is the kind of reasoning that rationalizes thousands
of babies' deaths worldwide every single day.
Since the moment life begins is up for grabs, it is not a coincidence that
now some want abortion to be allowed up to the day of birth. And why not?
Since we are dealing with a personal, subjective decision, why have limits
at all?
In fact, why not dispatch children after they are born, if they become a
burden or a nuisance? To see how far this satanic thinking has gone, let me
tell you about the views of bio-ethicist and atheist, Peter Singer. Singer
writes the following, in
Rethinking Life and Death:
Human babies are
not born self-aware or capable of grasping their lives over time. They are
not persons. Hence their lives would seem to be no more worthy of protection
that the life of a fetus.
And writing specifically about Down syndrome babies, he advocates trading a
disabled or defective child (one who is apparently doomed to too much
suffering) for one who has better prospects for happiness:
We may not want
a child to start on life's uncertain voyage if the prospects are clouded.
When this can be known at a very early stage in the voyage, we may still
have a chance to make a fresh start. This means detaching ourselves from the
infant who has been born, cutting ourselves free before the ties that have
already begun to bind us to our child have become irresistible. Instead of
going forward and putting all our effort into making the best of the
situation, we can still say no, and start again from the beginning. (1)
When humans reject God's plain teachings, they move into a state of
irrationality and absurdity which deteriorates gradually into insanity.
Singer is evidence of how far the human mind will go when it dares to
arbitrate on moral issues that belong only to Someone by far greater and
smarter than they are.
I have been blessed with some beautiful fruit trees. My favorite is my pear
tree. It is covered with growing pears that are now too small and tasteless
to eat. They are pears nonetheless. From pollination a process began which
will culminate in full grown pears. I only have to wait and let nature take
its course, and the result will be wonderful.
The process of human life also begins at conception. Leave the egg alone and
it will go through its own process that will finally lead to a wonderful,
full-grown baby. If you abort, you are interfering with the miraculous
process of life. You are bringing about a cessation of life -- a life that
would have grown to be an intelligent, capable human being filled with
dreams and hopes.
Worst of
all, if you abort you are bringing about the cessation of countless other
human lives that would have been born from the aborted baby and his or her
Without realizing it, you
are committing, or you are helping to commit "genocide."
Years ago, a relative of mine who was undergoing great marital stress asked
me if I thought she should abort. My answer was a resounding, "No!"
She listened.
My relative went on to have a beautiful baby girl who in turn many years
later had two precious baby girls who some day will have more beautiful
They and their descendents would have been terminated, had I suggested that
she only think about herself and have an abortion. Thank God, I did not.
Ultimately, dear abortionists, unlike what you may want to believe, the
issue is not about "choice." The issue is about selflessness versus
selfishness. Furthermore, the issue also revolves around taking upon
yourselves the right to play god and have a say over who lives and who dies.
Please do not judge brutal dictators who were responsible for the deaths of
millions. Each time you decide to have an abortion, or each time you support
someone who has an abortion, you too become a great killer like Stalin or
Hitler. For the decision to abort will lead to the death of countless
innocent victims who had no choice.
Abortion is a great evil. It is an evil that now is being openly
supported by very influential world leaders who are contributing not only
their verbal support but also vast quantities of money to facilitate its
occurrence worldwide.
I applaud the countless courageous and unrelenting fighters who refuse to
surrender and who continue to invest their time and effort in the defense of
innocent babies.
Know that for every woman who refuses to abort because of your efforts you
are helping to give life not only to that one baby but to countless others
who someday will know, in God's good time, that you were a co-worker with
Him in giving life and preventing murder.
Your work is a life-giving work on a grand scale; and there is no greater
cause anyone could be committed to.
I am behind you all the way.
Michael C.
Demarco, D., "Peter Singer: Architect of the Culture of Death."
Education Resource Centre.
(23, September, 2009)
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