Atheists defend the right of homosexuals
and lesbians to pursue their life styles. Furthermore, they promote the
erroneous view that the God of the Bible is unfair and oppressive toward them. Does God hate
homosexuals and lesbians or are His prohibitions a supreme manifestation of
love and deep concern?
since the beginning has given clear and undeniable pronouncements about
homosexuality. He has declared in both the Old and the New Testament
that homosexuality is a sin that He strongly disapproves of. Some have
erroneously assumed that this manifests hatred on God's part toward his
homosexual and lesbian children. This is the furthest thing from the truth.
In fact what His prohibitions really indicate is a deep love for his
children and an attempt to keep them from choices that can cause them
serious harm and that can shorten their lives dramatically.
Because there are plenty of web sites that offer well-documented facts on
the damaging effects of homosexuality, I will simply direct the reader to
them, at the end of this article.
However, I do want take the opportunity to stress some vital
points that
this author stands for.
1. Persecuting, abusing or verbally diminishing the value of any human
being is unacceptable -- and that includes homosexuals and lesbians.
2. All human beings are children of the Almighty, and thus He loves us all
equally. Implying otherwise means diminishing the fact that God is
3. God wants us all to evade behaviours that are potentially harmful
to us. Homosexuality is "one" such behaviour and it is neither less nor more
grave than let's say, adultery, dishonouring one's parents or fornication.
Sin is sin, no matter what the behaviour.
4. God knows more than anyone else the physical and emotional consequences
of homosexuality. Waiting for Science to enlighten us is a dangerous game.
5. God knows better than anyone else the long-term consequences that sins
of any kind have on society. Waiting for Sociology and Psychology to
enlighten us is also a dangerous game.
6. God insists on repentance from sin, because He loves us and wants the
best for us. It could not be any other way, if He is really a loving God. He
is not in the business of persecuting His children; He is in the
"protection" business.
7. Atheists, Agnostics, Deists or liberal theologians miss the boat greatly
when they push human rights at the expense of the long-term well being of
sinners. Encouraging sinners to persist in behaviours that can seriously
damage them or that can shorten their lives by decades, is plain cruel and
8. It is intellectually dishonest to promulgate the myth that homosexuality
has been proven by Science to be genetic and that one cannot change it. This
is an outright lie that fails to acknowledge the complexity of the issue,
and the fact that many homosexuals have already moved away from such
behaviours successfully. (The American Psychological Association has
recently admitted that there is no evidence that homosexuality has a
physical or genetic foundation. See below).
What causes a person to have a particular
sexual orientation?
"There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an
individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian
orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic,
hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual
orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude
that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or
factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles..."
"Sexuality," APA Web Site. <>
(10 June, 2009).
9. God did not give space to any "genetic predisposition" factor. He did not
hint in any way at any exceptions to the rule. He knew better than anyone
else the causes of homosexuality and, in spite of such knowledge, He
persisted over thousands of years with the same command: "Don't do it
10. Religious organizations who dare to distort God's verdict, or who push a
liberal agenda regarding homosexuality, and that teach that homosexuality is
not a sin, are, in the opinion of this author, playing a dangerous spiritual
game. Daring to modify God's verdict on what is sin is a statement of
insolence and it is an insult to God Almighty.
11. All humans are sinners and all are deserving of eternal oblivion. God
though has provided both the payment for all sins (Jesus Christ) and the
help to overcome insidious sins of any kind (The Holy Spirit). Both are
there for the taking and are totally free. There is one requirement
though: REPENTANCE. "Go and sin no more," Christ said to the woman caught in
the act of adultery, and He says the same to all of us --
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Read the fully-referenced proofs in this book.
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Ultimate Question: Does God Exist?
(No Follow

By John R. Diggs, Jr., M.D.
By Paul Cameron, Ph.D.
NARTH (National Association for Therapy and Research on Homosexuality
Do You Diggs It? by Anthony Giragosian
Theology, Research ... : The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality
Stanford Nurse Details Lethal Consequences of Engaging in Promiscuous Anal
Responding to Pro Gay
” Although the media has claimed that there is a “gay gene” in existence
that makes a person a homosexual, this is false. Researchers who have
investigated this subject claim that no “gay gene” exists, therefore, there
is no way that gay, lesbian, and transgender feelings can even be traced to
genetic origin. It is not a question of who they are, but a question
of what they do that is of major concern."
(Dr. John Diggs is
a national authority on homosexuality and STDs.) (See Bibliograpy above)
"Hollywood and the media relentlessly propagate the image of the fit,
healthy, and well-adjusted homosexual. The reality is at polar opposites to
this caricature: homosexual and lesbian relationships are typically
characterized by instability, promiscuity, and unhealthy and risky sex
practices, factors that greatly increase the incidence of serious and
incurable sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including hepatitis, HPV,
syphilis, gonorrhea, and AIDS."
Timothy J. Dailey, Ph. D. Family Research Council
is neither normal nor benign; rather, it is a lethal behavioral addiction."
Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth. (See
Bibliography above)
See related page, "What
God says About Homosexuality."