Atheism is gaining ground around the world.
Atheist efforts are multiplying and their successes will increase. If you
would like to help Atheism to grow faster, please follow any of the
following suggestions.
1. Be
only a “nominal” Christian. Be a Christian by name, but never read your
Bible, never go to church to receive instructions, don’t bother about
kindness and works of charity, but become a wonderful person at Christmas
time. Be quick to profess that you are a Christian, but almost never be one.
2. 2.
Be a fanatical hypocrite. Speak much about
religion; talk often about the Bible; cite scriptures at the drop of hat,
but be harsh, mean, argumentative and critical. Most of all, do the total
opposite of what you profess to be.
3. 3.
Be a “liberal” Christian. You, know, the ones
who are all lovy-dovy; who thinks that as long as we love others, there is
nothing else to worry about; who freely offer understanding to those who sin
without shame or regret. After all, you wouldn’t want to ”judge” others
would you?
4. 4.
Be a “super-hypocrite.” Join an anti-evil cause.
Be fanatically and loudly anti-homosexuality, anti-adultery, anti-immorality
of any kind and have a lover on the side, practice homosexuality in the dark
or go to massage parlours for questionable purposes.
5. 5.
Be a religious leader who preaches holiness
–loudly, dramatically, intensely -- and who regularly condemns "the evil ones"
in society, while doing the same in the darkest secret.
6. 6.
Be vile toward others who are evil. Use vile
language on the Internet when combating atheists, homosexuals, abortionists.
Fight fire with fire. And don’t forget to write nasty emails to the likes of
Richard Dawkins. They love to hear from you.
7. 7.
Be dishonest with facts. Exaggerate and doctor
statistics to prove that the evil ones are wrong. After all, a close
approximation to truth is no big deal. Don't atheists and other infidels do
the same?
8. 8.
Be a government leader who publicly professes
to be a practicing Christian. Let the world know that you base your life on
the teachings of Jesus Christ, but do whatever is necessary to get into power and
to retain power.
9. 9.
Start a mega-church where positive thinking
rules. Forget about preaching about sin, morality and holiness and
especially about the immediate and eternal consequences to sin. Constantly
stress the wonders of grace and fail to remind your people that, “He who sins
is a slave to sin,” and that no practicing sinner will enter the Kingdom of
God. (Christ's words)
10. 10.
Write books about the infinite love of God and Christ
and how much they love everyone, but fail to remind your readers about repentance
and the need to follow Christ in word and deed.
By doing any or several of the above, you are sure to give lots of
ammunition to those who are already atheists; you are sure to push the
wavering into the atheist camp, and you are sure to cast shame on Christ’s
name – which His enemies love to see and publish.