Everything is in motion, from the
galaxies in the heavens, to our Earth and Moon. Everything around us
manifests energy, dynamism and changeability—that is motion. Back in
time, all this motion had a beginning. Science refers to this beginning
as “The Big Bang.” The One who emanates energy and put everything in
motion is the First Cause.
Billions of years ago, matter came
into being from energy. All the particles in the universe were
originally compressed into a miniscule, super-compressed ball which a titanic
explosion propelled into space at an incomprehensible speed. Particles
appeared because they were willed to appear and they were willed to
combine into atoms with the capacity to combine into a great variety of
minerals and chemicals. The mind that willed the appearance of the
building blocks of the universe is God.
Order and Design in Nature |
Order abounds in creation. This
implies that there is an “Orderer,” that is someone who is behind the
amazing and wonderful order we see everywhere in nature. The natural
world abounds in design and purpose. The multitudes of systems that
operate and co-operate in the universe imply a Creator. Design abounds,
even in the smallest of organisms. In the human body, organs are
designed to perform specific functions and to cooperate with all other
organs in incredible harmony. There is beauty, and stunning design even
in the strangest of creatures. All order and design points in the
direction of Someone who willed it and who maintains it: God.
have been a trademark of the Judeo-Christian God, since the beginning.
Countless witnesses have testified to and have written about God’s
mighty works as they are recorded in the Bible. In the New Testament,
Christ witnessed to God’s power by performing great wonders and by
bringing people back from the dead. Later, His followers continued
manifesting God’s power by doing other mighty works, as recorded by
totally faithful and truthful witnesses. As well, countless Christians,
throughout the ages, have received miraculous answers to their prayers.
The source of these great wonders is the all-powerful God.
The Bible abounds in fulfilled
prophecies that point to God’s existence. For instance, God enunciated
many prophecies relating to Israel, Judah and many other nations --
and they were fulfilled. The prophetic warnings of captivity for
both Israel and Judah came to pass. The punishments prophesied against
other nations, such as Babylon, and Assyria, were fulfilled as well.
After a prolonged captivity, Judah was to return from exile -- and it
occurred, as described in Ezra and Nehemiah. After two thousand
years of Diaspora, the Jews are back in the Promised Land, as prophesied
in the Old and New Testament. Only an all-powerful Being can foretell
events hundreds of years in advance and then make sure they come to
Jesus Christ’s First Coming |
Many Old Testament scriptures
prophesied, in great detail, the coming of Christ and many of the events
surrounding his coming. All the prophecies relating to Christ’s first
coming were fulfilled is astonishing detail. Christ was the promised
Messiah and God in the flesh Who lived among men and manifested His
great power before thousands of witnesses. Some such witnesses have
faithfully recorded Christ’s great works, His death and His resurrection
in the New Testament.
Up to Sinai,
humans were slaves to oppressive gods that demanded blind submission and
offered no guiding moral law. The God of Israel revolutionized the
ancient world with ten amazing laws that had the inherent potential to
bring about mental peace, social harmony and freedom from the disastrous
consequences of sin. No human mind could have ever conceived such
concise, yet powerfully transforming package. The Ten Commandments are
from God.
Greatest Minds Believed |
Unlike what many atheists propagate,
most of the greatest intellects of the past reached the same conclusion:
God exists. The fathers of Science, such as Newton, Galileo, Kepler,
Gilbert, Copernicus and Einstein held a firm belief in God and openly
professed their belief.
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