This page
focuses on the glaring similarities
between Dawkins and Hitler. This author
does not insinuate that Richard Dawkins has a Hitlerian agenda toward
believers, but he would like to ask the
reader the following question: Given Dawkins’ undeniable similarities to Hitler, what
do you think he would do to religious people if he, like Hitler, had dictatorial powers?
Power of persuasion:
Hitler was a very persuasive man. He convinced millions of Germans that
Jews were evil and a danger to civilization. Dawkins is a very
persuasive man. He is also succeeding in convincing many that religion is a great evil and
that it is a danger to human survival.
Hitler was a very angry man. He not only hated Jews but Communists, blacks,
Jehovah's Witnesses, Slavs, Etc. Dawkins is very angry. Anger in fact oozes
from his written works and from his speeches. He detest people who
take Religion seriously and openly expresses contempt for creationists.
Hitler believed that with determination he would have succeeded in his plan
to gain total power and destroy his enemies. He put this belief into practice and
almost succeeded in his aims. Dawkins has shown great determination for
decades in his obsessive aim to propagate atheism and defeat Religion. He writes and speaks
profusely against Religion and travels near and far to propagate his views.
Fear mongering: Hitler used rational-sounding reason to convince the masses
that destroying the Jews was a human necessity and that not doing so would
have had grave consequences for civilization. Dawkins uses
rational-sounding reasons to convince the masses that defeating religion is
of utmost necessity for human survival.
Hitler was well-liked; he had magnetism. Dawkins is also very charismatic.
His strong and magnetic personality attracts and retains the loyalty and
affection of a great many worldwide.
powers: Hitler stirred a whole nation to action. Millions were willing to
follow orders and fulfilled the leader’s dreams. When one reads comments
about Dawkins written by his followers one can see a blind attachment to the
man and a soldier-like fighting attitude in fighting opponents of their
Rigid thinking:
Hitler had a very rigid personality. His mind was totally closed to
alternative viewpoints. Dawkins is also very rigid and he has no space in
his mind for contrasting viewpoints.
Hitler did not tolerate opponents. Disagreement even on a minor scale could
provoke his wrath. Dawkins not only has no tolerance for contrasting views,
he is also intolerant of agnostics, atheism's nearest relatives.
The God
Delusion or Mein Kempf: Hitler expounded his views and goals in his
Mein Kempf. Dawkins’ The God Delusion is "his" Mein Kempf. Hitler’s work oozed
with venom against Jews; Dawkin’s work oozes with venom against
Religion—and Christianity in particular. One can feel the same frenetic
fanaticism in both works.
Obsessed with abolishing the enemy:
Hitler wanted the Jewish curse brought to an end. Dawkins too rationalizes
that religion is dangerous for humanity and should be terminated. Hitler was
very serious in his conclusion that Jews were a danger to humanity. Dawkins
feels the same way about Religion and is dedicating his whole life to help
bring Religion to an end.
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Unlike what atheists propagate, the greatest minds of
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Follow Up)

Dawkins Lack of Brilliance Exposed -- From His Own
God Delusion,
Preface Analysis.
Dawkins and Einstein,
on the Bible and Jesus Christ.
Is Richard Dawkins Satan Possessed?
Dawkins and Nobel Prize Winners.
by Chapter Analysis of, The God Delusion.
A Crucial
Message to Richard Dawkins.
and the Probability of a "Gigantic Intelligence."
Copyright, Michael Caputo, 2009