“EvilBible.com is a non-profit web site
which was developed to promote atheism by revealing the wicked truth about
the Bible and religion.”
This is the mission statement of “Chris
"Ali Baba" Thiefe” (As he calls himself) who is currently the Editor,
Web-Site Designer, and author of most of the material found in this,
over-confident, atheist web site.
Chris exudes overconfidence in every nook and cranny
of his web site. He saturates his site with
scriptures so as to give the impression of being a knowledgeable Bible
scholar who has a deeper understanding of scriptures than any committed
Christian would have. In fact he speaks as though he has what it takes to
“demolish” Christianity in one fell swoop. Quite an ego…
The essence of his web site is the
following: Christianity is stupid, it is based on a pack of lies and this is
so evident that only the “not-so-smart” or the blind would not see it.
The truth is, that
Chris is not a Bible scholar nor does he have much Bible understanding. In
fact, his comprehension of various Bible topics is "very" superficial, to
say the least.
Here is some evidence:
Let's first of all
tackle his introduction:
“This web site is designed to spread the vicious truth about the Bible.”
We would like to reword Chris’s statement as follows:
“This web site is designed to spread vicious
lies about the Bible.”
“For far too long priests
and preachers have completely ignored the vicious criminal acts that the
Bible promotes.”
is one of countless, and unfounded generalizations that Chris spews out
in his web site. All Christian ministers go through in-depth studies of
both the Old and New Testaments. The field of Biblical Apologetics is
specifically dedicated to the area of “seeming” biblical problems or
“alleged” Bible discrepancies. There are countless books and web sites
that address these so-called biblical problems and do so with scholarly
depth. He also fails to make a distinction between
the Old and the New Testament. (A fatal mistake)
“The so called “God” of the Bible makes Osama Bin Laden look like a Boy
Scout. This God, according to the Bible, is directly responsible
for many mass-murders, rapes, pillage, plunder, slavery, child abuse and
killing, not to mention the killing of unborn children.”
A vicious accusation from a human being who has reached such a level of
insolence that one rarely sees on the face of the earth.
“For example, God kills 70,000 innocent people
because David ordered a census of the people (1
Chronicles 21).”
that so.? You see, Chris, there are rules God abides by and one of them
is that He does not punish the innocent for the sins of the wicked.
God, for instance, was willing to spare Sodom, if there were only ten
righteous ones in the city, but only a few were righteous and were asked
to leave the city, (Lot’s family), so as to be spared (Genesis 18).
And let’s now read the promises
God made to the righteous, God consistently abides by:
Ezekiel 18
1 The word
of the LORD came to me again, saying, 2 “What do you mean
when you use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying:
‘ The fathers have eaten sour grapes,
And the children’s teeth are set on edge’?
3 “As I live,” says the Lord GOD, “you shall no longer
use this proverb in Israel.
4 “ Behold, all souls
are Mine;
The soul of the father
As well as the soul of the son is Mine;
The soul who
sins shall die.
5 But if a man is just
And does what is lawful and right;
6 If he has not eaten on
the mountains,
Nor lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel,
Nor defiled his neighbor’s wife,
Nor approached a woman during her impurity;
7 If he has not
oppressed anyone,
But has restored to the debtor his pledge;
Has robbed no one by violence,
But has given his bread to the hungry
And covered the naked with clothing;
8 If he has not exacted
Nor taken any increase,
But has withdrawn his hand from iniquity
And executed true judgment between man and man;
9 If he has
walked in My statutes
And kept My judgments faithfully—
He is
He shall surely live!”
Says the Lord GOD.
10 “ If he begets a son
who is a robber
Or a shedder of blood,
Who does any of these things
11 And does none of
those duties,
But has eaten on the mountains
Or defiled his neighbor’s wife;
12 If he has oppressed
the poor and needy,
Robbed by violence,
Not restored the pledge,
Lifted his eyes to the idols,
Or committed abomination;
13 If he has exacted
Or taken increase—
Shall he then live?
He shall not live!
he has done any of these abominations,
He shall surely die;
His blood
shall be upon him.
14 “ If, however,
he begets a son
Who sees all the sins which his father has done,
And considers but does not do likewise;
15 Who has not
eaten on the mountains,
Nor lifted his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel,
Nor defiled his neighbor’s wife;
16 Has not oppressed
Nor withheld a pledge,
Nor robbed by violence,
But has given his bread to the hungry
And covered the naked with clothing;
17 Who has
withdrawn his hand from the poor
And not received usury or increase,
But has executed My judgments
And walked in My statutes—
He shall
not die for the iniquity of his father;
He shall
surely live!
Psalm 1
1 Blessed is
the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
3 He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.
4 The ungodly are not so,
But are like the chaff which the wind drives away.
5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment,
sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6 For the LORD knows the way of the righteous,
But the way of the ungodly shall perish.
is the God of Christians and Jews, Chris. A God of justice toward the
wicked and the arrogantly sinful.
Thus, did God really kill 70, 000 people from Israel who were
“innocent”? Certainly they were innocent in regards to David’s sin, but
were they innocent in regards to what the above scriptures list as being
acts of wickedness?
The people who were killed must have been the
wicked and arrogant ones who “deserved” to be killed.
God simply used the occasion to clean the land of the wicked.
There is no unrighteousness with God.
“God also orders the destruction of 60 cities so
that the Israelites can live there. He orders the killing of all
the men, women, and children of each city, and the looting of all of
value (Deuteronomy
first of all ordered the destruction of the city and the people of
Bashan, because they oozed in wickedness, and they were a moral stench
before God, and since He owns all flesh He and only He has the right to
dispose of that which He created.
Ezekiel 18: 4 “
Behold, all souls are Mine;
The soul of the father
As well as the soul of the son is Mine;
need not ask permission from anyone as to what to do with
His creation,
just as a pot maker need not ask for permission to smash and destroy
seriously faulty and distorted pots. He especially doesn’t need Chris’s
permission to do as He sees fit, and the fact that Chris and his
atheistic cohort withdraw their approval and refuse to submit to His
sovereignty has no relevance to the Almighty
whatsoever. They are also welcome to
choose to be “faulty and distorted pots,” if they so wish. Yet they have
to be ready for the consequences.
“He orders another attack and the killing of
“all the living creatures of the city: men and women, young, and old, as
well as oxen sheep, and asses” (Joshua
What Chris does not
understand is that the degree of destruction was reflective of the
degree of degeneracy extant in any location doomed to destruction. When
God orders even the animals killed he is making a statement, and the
statement is that the location is so putrid that
He even wants the animals
killed. We should mention that in Canaan as well as Egypt, bestiality
was commonplace. This demanded a thorough “cleansing” of everything.
Yet, Chris fails to
mention that amidst that putrid city God saw something worth saving: a
harlot and her family. Though a harlot, Rahab had some decency in her
which God felt deserved preserving -- and He did.
Joshua 6: 22 But Joshua had said to the two men who had spied
out the country, “Go into the harlot’s house, and from there bring out
the woman and all that she has, as you swore to her.” 23 And
the young men who had been spies went in and brought out Rahab, her
father, her mother, her brothers, and all that she had. So they brought
out all her relatives and left them outside the camp of Israel.
Thus what God did was
amply justified. It is not a manifestation of excessive punishment but
rather necessary and total justice from a God alone who knows what all
humans deserve.
Judges 21,
He orders the murder of all the people of Jabesh-gilead, except for the
virgin girls who were taken to be forcibly raped and married.”
When they wanted more virgins, God told them to hide alongside the road
and when they saw a girl they liked, kidnap her and forcibly rape her
and make her your wife!”
Wrong, Chris! What is described in this chapter is a ploy the children
of Israel came up with to re-populate the tribe of Benjamin they had
almost decimated. In this situation, you will not read any comment on the
part of God whatsoever. As for the virgins being raped, where is the
evidence, Chris? The Israelite men simply married them.
“Just about every other page in the Old Testament has God killing
This is a vast generalization and a lie! No doubt there are many
examples of God firmly and strongly dealing with wicked people and
nations, but there are endless examples of mercy and forgiveness. One
need only check for oneself. Yet, the Old Testament makes one reality
loud and clear: God
will not take sin lightly and he will powerfully and terminally deal
with the incorrigibly wicked.
2 Kings 10:18-27,
God orders the murder of all the worshipers of a different god in their
very own church!”
Idolatrous Baal worshippers, Chris; not “church goers!” They were
distorted worshippers of demons who had degenerated to such a degree
that they deserved nothing but death. They were a terminal cancer that
had to be eradicated to save Israel from being affected likewise.
“In total God kills
371,186 people directly and orders another 1,862,265 people murdered.”
have not done the calculations to validate Chris’s numbers but,
even if true, God knows which tumors are terminal and which are not, and
if He chooses to excise the terminal ones, as a Creator who own all
things, he has the prerogative to do it.
Please now read a chapter I wrote a few years ago for my book, “What if
God…? (See yellow box below) It
addresses a question closely related to the above examples as
to the “seeming unjust” destruction of the Canaanites.
The God of the Bible also allows slavery, including
selling your own daughter as a sex slave (Exodus
The God of the
Bible does not "allow" (Present tense) anyone to sell one's daughter as a
sex slave. The God of the Bible "allowed" (Past tense) the giving of a
daughter to another man at a price. The following is the passage Chris
refers to:
"7 “And if a man sells his
daughter to be a female slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do.
8 If she does not please her
master, who has betrothed her to himself, then he shall let her be
Notice that we
are talking about a relationship which was to turn into "betrothal" and that
she could be taken back by her family, if the relationship was not working
out. She was not to be sold to any foreigner: "He shall have no right to
sell her to a foreign people, since he has dealt deceitfully with her." If
he betrothed her to his son he was to treat her as a daughter: " And if he
has betrothed her to his son, he shall deal with her according to the custom
of daughters. Furthermore, he was to treat her with dignity even if he
married another wife: "If he
takes another wife, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, and
her marriage rights. 11 And if
he does not do these three for her, then she shall go out free, without
paying money."
Now why would a
father in Israel sell his daughter to another man? This was culturally
allowed only if he could not provide for her, or if the transaction led to a
better life for the young woman who was of marriageable age. The "selling"
was nothing more that paying an amount to the father for giving away
something valuable. In return the husband was to provide for the young woman
either as a wife or as a daughter.
For a thorough
discussion of the subject of slavery, I strongly suggest the following
The God of the Bible also allows...child
abuse (Judges
11:29-40 and
Isaiah 13:16), and bashing babies against rocks (Hosea
13:16 &
Psalms 137:9).
the reader reads Judges 11 he/she will see that God is nowhere making any
pronouncements whatsoever. This is simply the story of Jephthah who made a
foolish promise and then went on to commit a heinous crime which clearly
went against God's stated command that murder was not allowed and that the
murder of children to satisfy a god was unacceptable.
Please read my
article on the subject at the following:
Jephthah's Daughter
As for Hosea
13:16, this is the punishment that would have befallen Israel for their
obdurate wickedness. The Medes would have been allowed to come down
and kill, plunder and destroy. The children would have been "dashed to
pieces" according to several translations, not "bashed against rocks."
Even so, God would have stood back and not intervened. Israel had rejected
Him and He would have rejected them and left them in the hands a of a cruel
and vicious foe. Israel was warned by prophets and refused to repent and
because of their obstinate and rebellious hearts they would have been
punished in a most gruesome way: total abandonment in the hands of the cruel
Please read my
article on the subject at the following:
Israel's Captivity,
Judah's Captivity,
137:9 (see below) is simply
David's wish that the enemies present and future who did
and would have participated in the destruction of Jerusalem and the
killing and maiming of its people, would have been repaid in
like manner, reflecting the "eye for an eye" principle of the Old
Testament. God is not uttering any thing in these verses.
Psalm 137:5-10
5 If I forget you, O
Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill.
6 May my tongue cling
to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider
Jerusalem my highest joy.
7Remember, O LORD,
what the Edomites did on the day Jerusalem fell. Tear it down, they
cried, tear it down to its foundations!
Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you
for what you have done to us—
he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.
This type of criminal behavior should
shock any moral person. Murder, rape, pillage, plunder, slavery, and
child abuse can not be justified by saying that some god says it’s OK.
If more people would actually sit down and read the Bible there would be a
lot more atheists like myself.
Here is Judge
Chris,...full of himself, dares to stand in judgment of the Great Creator and by using his glaring
biblical ignorance and an uncanny ability to distort facts, according to his
distorted logic, finds God
guilty of unspeakable crimes that were never committed.
Well, in reality, Chris, if more people were to
study their Bible carefully, they would
simply laugh at your assertions, or would simply
not even give you the time of day. The day when humanity will get to know
the God of the Bible and His true motives will be the day when
atheism will finally disappear for good. It is biblical ignorance,
or simply a superficial knowledge of the Bible,
that leads to the creation of people like Chris and several other biblical
pseudo scholars which daily use their incomplete knowledge of Scripture to
confuse the many.
Jesus also promoted the idea that all men should
castrate themselves to go to heaven: "For there are
eunuchs, that were so born from their mother's womb: and there are
eunuchs, that were made eunuchs by men: and there are eunuchs, that
made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is
able to receive it, let him receive it." (Matthew
19:12 ASV) I don't know why anyone
would follow the teachings of someone who literally tells all men to
cut off their privates.
In this statement Chris reaches
the epitome of foolishness and it encapsulates his hatred for God and
Christ and his capacity to distort scriptures to achieve his aims.
Anyone with a bit of common sense and biblical understanding knows that
Christ was talking about not getting married to serve God fully, not
about cutting their private parts. (Castration refers to something else,
by the way, Chris. Do some research). The principle also applied to
women who have no private parts to cut off.
Paul was one such person who
followed Christ's principle and remained unmarried to serve God without
I Corinthians 7: 7 For I
wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift
from God, one in this manner and another in that.
8 But I say to the
unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as
I am; 9 but if they
cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry
than to burn with passion.
CHRIS: The God of
the Bible also was a big fan of
ritual human sacrifice and animal sacrifice.
"Ritual human
sacrifice," Chris? Where is the proof? At least have the decency to be
truthful. Of course, why be truthful? Being a lofty
atheist, you have no use for the Ten

One of the events that many
critics and skeptics use consistently to spotlight God’s seeming cruelty
is His verdict against the Canaanites. After Israel’s deliverance from
Egypt, the Israelites were to go to the land of Canaan and clear the
land of all Canaanites: men, women and children.
When the LORD thy God shall
bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast
out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the
Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and
the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou;
"And when the LORD thy God
shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly
destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto
them" (Deuteronomy 7:1-2).
Consequently, atheists
and other critics point to God’s sternness as evidence that the God of
the Bible is not at all a God of love but a God of violence and
But is this really the
What if God would have
dealt with the Canaanites differently? What if He had shown mercy toward
them? Would that have made Him more credible as a God?
What critics do not seem
to understand is that God is not just Love—God is also righteousness.
God is a Holy Being who
demands of individuals and the nations at least a modicum of decent and
righteous behavior. But God has limits. And, even though He is very
patient, He ultimately will intervene drastically to clean out terminal
To make sense of this topic,
let’s, first of all, look at God’s longsuffering attitude toward the
In Genesis 15: 16 God
tells Abraham what would have happened to his descendents centuries
later. He explains to him that the Egyptians would have afflicted his
progeny for “four hundred years,” and that, finally, they would have
achieved deliverance (Genesis 15: 13). Why did Israel have to wait that
long? Because, God explains, “…the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet
complete” (V. 16). Clearly, God waited hundreds of years before
the Amorites became degenerate enough to deserve total destruction. But
the day came when God could bear their horrific ways no longer and
decreed that their end had come.
The next critical
question we must ask is: “How degenerate and deserving of destruction
were they?”
God explains in detail
why the extirpation of the Canaanites had become essential:
the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it,
and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants” (Lev. 18:25).
The people of Canaan had
reached such an extreme level of degeneracy that, figuratively, they had
become so revolting that the land itself was vomiting them out.
God, furthermore, describes the Canaanite actions as
abominable. “For all these abominations have the men of the land
done, which were before you, and the land is defiled” (Le
abominations, their actions had become impossible to bear and
beyond redemption.
Leviticus chapter 11 we find a clear explanation of the extreme
degeneracy of the people of Canaan. God prefaces the chapter with the
following injunction:
“…After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not
do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you,
shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances” (Lev. 18:3).
He then proceeds to enumerate a long list possible of incestual
relationships that God warns Israel t stay away from. Incest abounded
among the Canaanites. This is one of the revolting trends in that
society that Israel was not to emulate.
the chapter proceeds to list other more heinous sexual sins that were
proliferating among the Canaanites: Sexual activities during a woman’s
period (V. 19); Adultery (V. 20); Homosexuality (V. 22); and most
horrendous of all: bestiality (V. 23).
there is more. Much more.
The Canaanites are described as people who passed their
children “through the fire”(Deut. 18:10). What does this signify?
Jeremiah we find that, later on, when Judah adopted Baal worship, they,
too, adopted the ways of worship of the Canaanites:
“They have also
built the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt
offerings to Baal”
(Jeremiah 19:5).
Passing children through the fire” was, therefore, the abominable
practice of offering children as holocausts to the false gods of Canaan.
This was a common practice among the Canaanites that totally revolted
God and that helped bring about His final verdict.
warns Israel to destroy the Canaanites so as not to be influenced by
their wicked ways:
Defile not ye yourselves
in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I
cast out before you: And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the
iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her
inhabitants. Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and
shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own
nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: (For all these
abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and
the land is defiled;) That the land spue not you out also, when ye
defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you. For
whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that
commit them shall be cut off from among their people. Therefore shall ye
keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable
customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not
yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God. (Leviticus 18:24-30)
Unfortunately, Israel did
not heed the order given by God and did not “utterly” destroy the
Canaanites and settled, instead, beside their remnant for centuries,
absorbing their evil ways and finally becoming just like them. This very
grave mistake finally led to untold suffering, because of the great
curses that befell them as listed in Deuteronomy 28 and their final
expulsion from the land.
At the beginning of this
analysis we asked the question: “What if God had not decreed the
destruction of the Canaanites?” From the start, God’s aim was
simply to protect Israel from influences that would have led to their
degeneracy. If God had not decreed the destruction of the Canaanites,
God would have allowed and approved a snare upon the people of Israel.
Israel would have become like the people of the land and would have
invited upon themselves the same fate, just as, unfortunately,
happened. Israel did not heed God’s injunction and did
embrace the ways of the people of the land. Thus they were severely
punished and like the Canaanites they, also, were vomited out by the
What, therefore, seems to be
an example of harshness and cruelty is, in fact, a perfect example of
God’s longsuffering, of His hatred for evil, and Hid final drastic
intervention, if evil becomes obdurate and entrenched.
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introduces the topic with the following:
“Jesus is quoted many
times in the Bible saying that a believer can ask for anything through
prayer and receive it. He even goes so far as to say that mountains
and trees can be thrown into the sea simply by praying for it. This is
clearly a lie, and can be proven to be a lie by any believer.”
According to Chris, Jesus’ lies are
essentially as follows:
He promised that if you have faith you
can move mountains, (Matthew 21:21-22). No Christian has ever moved a
mountain, thus Jesus lied.
He promised that Christians can ask for
“anything” and that it would have been done for them. (Matthew 7:7-8,
Matthew 18:19-20, John 15:7, John 16:23). Christians have prayed and
received no answer, thus Jesus lied.
He then concludes with the following:
“If you honestly and truthfully read these
quotes, without adding to them, it is very easy to see that Jesus is not
saying that God will think about your prayers. He says God will grant
all your prayers. Clearly, God doesn’t grant all prayers and this
proves that Jesus was a habitual liar.”
The conclusion, according to “Brilliant
Chris” is evident: Jesus lied, thus he was not God; thus, following Him is a
Chris must feel quite lofty to believe that he can
find Jesus Christ to be a liar and to believe that he can demolish
Christianity that easily. The reality is,
as we will soon show, Chris is biblically ignorant and “abysmally” wrong in
his conclusions.
Let’s start with Matthew 21:21-22
Jesus answered and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith
and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but
also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ it
will be done. 22 And whatever things you ask in prayer,
believing, you will receive.” (Matthew 21:21-22 (NKJV)
Notice that Jesus
was first of all talking to his disciples who later became his apostles.
Jesus was telling them that if they had “total faith” they could have
moved mountains. Of course, any one with a bit of common sense understands
that moving mountains is of no benefit to anyone. Yet they, if filled with
faith, could have done wonders – and they did.
The gospels tell
us that His “disciples” were able to cast out demons, and to heal the sick.
they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and
healed them” (Mark 6:13).
Later, once the
disciples became Apostles, they did great wonders that brought about the
conversion of multitudes:
Peter healed a
man who had been lame from birth (Act.3) and later did other greater
"And more than ever believers were added to the Lord, multitudes both of men
and women, so that they even carried out the sick into the streets, and laid
them on beds and pallets, that as Peter came by at least his shadow might
fall on some of them. The people also gathered from the towns around
Jerusalem, bringing the sick and those
afflicted with unclean spirits, and they were all healed."
Later still,
he healed Aeneas, who had been a paralytic for 8 years (Act.9:33-35), and
resurrected Tabitha (Dorcas) from the dead (Act.9:36-42).
Peter was "moving mountains," figuratively speaking,
and a great many witnessed the great miracles and came to Christ.
also, being full of faith, and
full of grace and power, did great wonders and signs among the people"
Philip showed great power
as well, and left the people of Samaria so amazed by his miracles that
the multitudes with one accord gave heed to what was said by Philip, when
they heard him and saw the signs which he did. For unclean spirits came out
of many who were possessed, crying with a loud voice; and many who were
paralyzed or lame were healed."
Later, the
Apostle Paul did great wonders as well:
1. He blinded Bar-Jesus in front of Governor Sergius Paulus. (Act.136-12).
2. He healed a
crippled man from birth (Act.14:8-9).
3. He delivered a
slave girl who had a divining spirit: "... But Paul was annoyed, and
turned and said to the spirit, "I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to
come out of her." And it came out that very hour." (Act.16:16:24).
4. Paul was so
filled with so much power that “…so that handkerchiefs or aprons were
carried away from his body to the sick, and diseases left them and the evil
spirits came out of them" (Act.19:11-12).
5. He also
resurrected the young Eutychius (Act.20:8-12).
6. He healed from
a poisonous viper's bite (Act.28:3-6).
7. He healed the
father of Publius, the head of the Island of Malta, and the rest of the sick
people of the Island (Act.28:7-9).
But what about
the promises made to us Christians in general? According to Chris, our
prayers at times are not answered (Well, he thinks they are never answered);
therefore Jesus' words were lies and, thus,
He was an impostor and our faith
in Him is in vain.
Chris once gain speaks
from abysmal biblical ignorance.
Jesus Christ DID
promise that if we ask in His name God would answer, but God added several
As we have already seen, we must ask in Faith.
Mark 11:24
-- Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have
received it, and it will be yours. (NIV)
answers only the prayers of the righteous and of people with a clean
“Surely the arm of
the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.
2But your iniquities
have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you,
so that he will not hear.” (Isaiah 59: 1-2)
“The LORD is “far”
from the wicked but he hears the prayer of the righteous.” (Proverbs 15:29).
confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be
healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” (James
friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God
22and receive from him
anything we ask…” (1 John 3:21-22).
“If I regard wickedness in
my heart, the Lord will not hear.” (Psalm 66:18)
”And we will receive
whatever we request because we obey him and do the things that please him.”
(1 John 3:22)
Our prayers must be about "genuine needs" and must be
do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come
from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? 2
You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight
and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. 3
You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it
on your pleasures” (James 4: 1-3).
4. We
must ask according to God’s will, as He is the only one who knows what’s
really best for us.
”He (Jesus) went away
again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not
pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done.”
Given all of the
above reasons, at time Christians get an answer, at times they do not. But we
Christians know that God answers prayers and we have seen it countless
times. At times, the answers are greatly inspiring, given the fact that no
coincidence would ever be possible. At times the miracles are beyond
scientific explanation and baffle even scientific minds.
But atheists like Chris and others would never accept it, as it goes against
everything they want to believe.
A few weeks ago a lady
in my church fell and hit the hard sidewalk with her knee. (I was there).
She was anointed by a minister, as prescribed in the book of James. Church
members were asked to pray for her as she was in a lot of pain and could not
stand up. We took her to the hospital. X-rays were taken which showed
multiple fractures to her knee. We were in a hospital with limited
resources and she was transferred to another hospital near her home which
could provide better care. The X-rays were taken to the new hospital. New
X-rays were taken (About 24 hrs from her fall) and they showed no fracture
whatsoever to the surprise of the doctor who compared the two X-rays.
She went home not long after, with a healed knee. God does heal!
Chris is, therefore, is
either in the dark about what the Holy Scriptures really say or he is
a liar. Either way,
Satan uses him as a
deceiver to confound and confuse the ones who have limited Bible knowledge
and to give ammunitions to those who want to reject the God of the Bible and
follow their sin-filled ways.
This is just the beginning of our
dealing with Chris and his web site. There is more coming.
This is how “all-knowing” Chris introduces
this section:
CHRIS: “Jesus and his apostles made MANY
prophecies concerning the Armageddon. Christians would have you believe
that it shall come as “a thief in the night”. Yet, the Bible is rather
clear concerning when it would happen. Matter of fact, the Bible
consistently said it would follow soon after Jesus’ death.”
Let’s quickly show Chris’s inaccuracies and
superficial understanding.
CHRIS: “Jesus and his apostles made MANY
prophecies concerning the Armageddon.”
Wrong, Chris. “Armageddon” is a term that
refers only to a great battle that will occur in the valley of Megiddo, near
Jerusalem at “AFTER” Christ’s return. Jesus and his apostles’ many
prophecies deal with events “BEFORE” his coming. You obviously lack basic
CHRIS: “Christians would have you believe
that it shall come as “a thief in the night.”
They believe so because this is Christ’s
and the apostles’ promise, Chris. Are you not familiar with their words?
JESUS: "Therefore keep watch, because
you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43But understand
this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief
was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be
broken into. 44So you also must be ready, because the Son of
Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” (Matthew 24:35-45)
“For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes
as a thief in the night.”
Thessalonians 5:2)
PETER: “But the day of the Lord will come as
a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great
noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the
works that are in it will be burned up.”
Peter 3:10)
CHRIS: “Yet, the Bible is rather clear
concerning when it would happen. Matter of fact, the Bible consistently said
it would follow soon after Jesus’ death.”
This is where Chris’s ignorance of scriptures becomes
“glaringly” evident. In fact this is where Christians can stop and have a
good laugh. If there is one area that is not specific in the Bible,
it is this one. This lack of specificity was “intentional” and it is a
manifestation of divine wisdom and great love toward believers. (Please read
my article, “Why
Does the Lord Delay His coming.”
Furthermore, asserting that Christ in any
way said that he would establish His Kingdom after his Resurrection is the
ultimate manifestation of biblical blindness. We will deal with his proofs
later, since according to Chris, “If we are to believe these verses and
accept that the end time prophecies failed then surely the whole book is
Well, all-knowing Chris, let’s see how
successful your efforts at demolishing Christianity really are. This is what
he tells us:
CHRIS: “Jesus falsely prophesies DIRECTLY
to the high priest (Caiphas) that he would live to see his second coming.
Jesus uses the term “coming on the clouds of heaven”. This clearly
negates the “coming” as the resurrection but as a return to the earth on
CLOUDS, not his return in human form from the dead. Matthew 26:64 & Mark
"But I tell you: From now on you will see
'the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power' and 'coming on the
clouds of heaven.'" (Matthew 26:64 NAB)
Then Jesus answered, "I am; and 'you will
see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power and coming with the
clouds of heaven.'" (Mark 14:62 NAB)
The Greek phrase term used to refer to the
“when” is “Meta tauta” which according to Vine’s Expository Dictionary of
New Testament Words, can be translated “after these things,” or
Henceforth means “From that time on” (Funk and
Wagnalls), or, “In a time to come; in some future time or state.” (http://thinkexist.com/dictionary/meaning/hereafter)
Thus, the time reference is
the future, but not a clearly specified future.
There are two possible
explanations for this: one specific and one generic.
SPECIFIC: If Jesus was referring specifically to the High Priest, He might
have simply meant that in the distant future He might have privileged the
man with being present at His return, after the resurrection , so as
to show him the foolishness he was about to do. In other words, Christ might
resurrect the high priest to witness Christ’s return and see what a
horrendous mistake he had done.
This possibility seems to
be supported by the fact that all of those who contributed to Christ’s
killing may have the same privilege, as we read in the book of Revelation.
“Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even
those who pierced him.” (Revelation 1:7).
GENERIC: Christ often spoke
in generalities. It is quite possible that this statement may have been
directed at humans in general.
CHRIS: Jesus mistakenly tells his followers
that he will return and establish his kingdom within their lifetime. Matthew
23:36 & 24:3
Amen, I say to you, all these things will
come upon this generation. (Matthew 23:36 NAB)
"Immediately after the tribulation of those
days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and
the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be
shaken. And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and
all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man
coming upon the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he
will send out his angels with a trumpet blast, and they will gather his
elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
"Learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branch becomes tender and
sprouts leaves, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when
you see all these things, know that he is near, at the gates. Amen, I
say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have
taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not
pass away. (Matthew 24:29-35 NAB)
To Chris this is the clincher. Jesus said
that all of those events would have taken place during the life of “that”
generation. Since, clearly, that did not happen, Jesus was a liar and He
cannot be trusted.
Let’s take a look at this prophecy in
Matthew 24 1 Then Jesus went
out and departed from the temple, and His disciples came up to show Him the
buildings of the temple. 2 And Jesus said to them, “Do you not
see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be
left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”
this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written.
23How dreadful
it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!
There will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people.
24They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all
the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the
times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
Jesus saw in advance the
coming Roman invasion, the destruction of the Temple, and the final
captivity of the Jews, which would have taken them to all nations.
And it all happened!
Not bad for a deceiver…
Now, before Chris retorts
that Christ’s prophecy must have been written by the gospel writers after
the events took place, let’s read what F.F. Bruce, one of the foremost New
Testament scholar, has to say.
“In this country, (England)
the majority of modern scholars fix the dates of the four Gospels as
follows: Matthew, c. 85-90; Mark, c. 65; Luke, c. 80-85; John, c. 90-100. I
should be inclined to date the first three Gospels rather earlier: Mark,
around AD 64 or 65, Luke shortly “before” 70, and Matthew shortly after 70.”
The New Testament Documents. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Inter-Varsity
Press, 1984.
Chris also needs to keep in
mind that if Jesus had been an impostor and had not been resurrected as he
had promised, there would have been no reason why the disciples would have
elevated a liar and a deceiver to the divine plane. People who have been
lied to and have been deceived do not elevate the deceiver, they despise
Matthew 24
Then Jesus went out and
departed from the temple, and His disciples came up to show Him the
buildings of the temple. 2 And Jesus said to them, “Do you not
see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be
left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him
privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be
the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”
This is of critical
importance. They assumed that the destruction of the Temple would have
ushered the end of the Age and the coming of Messiah. But that was not the
case as Jesus hinted at.
Jesus dealt with both
periods in a parallel fashion. (See point 5 below)
Matthew 25
shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their
lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
2And five of them were wise,
and five were foolish.
3They that were foolish took
their lamps, and took no oil with them:
4But the wise took oil in their
vessels with their lamps.
the bridegroom tarried, they “all” slumbered and slept.
(The end of the day – The end of times) there was a cry made, Behold,
the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
“all” those virgins arose, and trimmed
their lamps. (The resurrection from the dead).
Mark 13:34
For the Son of Man is as a man taking a “far” journey,
who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his
work, and commanded the porter to watch.
ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even,
or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
Christ also gave a
stunning prophecy few even notice which could only apply to our days or
Matthew 24:11 For then there will be great
tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until
this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be
saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.
No reasonable minded human would conclude
that this prophecy may have referred to the first century. Only in our
days or the future could the reality of global suicide be possible.
These are the possible meanings:
A begetting, birth, nativity.
That which has been begotten, men of the same stock, a family.
The successive members of a genealogy.
A race of men very like each other in endowments, pursuits,
(Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament, p. 1069., Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1977.
So which meaning did Jesus use? It can only
be deduced.
In the following web site you may read an
excellent article which offers various interpretations for the meaning of
Serious biblical students are well aware of
the fact that the Bible at times “overlaps” prophecies; that is, it
addresses two different times, while giving the impression that it is only
referring to one.
One such example is Isaiah 14 which
overlaps a prophecy about the King of Babylon with one about Lucifer or the
letters to the seven churches which are both letters to literal churches and
clearly also to phases of the Christian church through time. The following
quote from the site mentioned above addresses this reality quite clearly.
A fourth interpretation
says this is an illustration of multiple fulfillment. As Mounce asserts,
“Biblical prophecy is capable of multiple fulfillments.” He comments as
follows on Matthew 24:32-35. In the immediate context, the “abomination of
desolation” (v. 15) builds on the defilement of the temple by Antiochus
Epiphanes, is repeated when the sacred temple in Jerusalem is destroyed by
the Roman army in A.D. 70, and has yet a more complete fulfillment when the
eschatological Antichrist exalts himself by taking his seat in the “temple
of God” proclaiming himself to be God (2 Thess. 2:3-4). In a similar way,
the events of the immediate period leading up to the destruction of
Jerusalem portend a greater and more universal catastrophe when Christ
returns in judgment at the end of time. Gundry is right in his observations
that double fulfillment (I would say “multiple fulfillment”) involves an
ambiguity that needs to be accepted as fact rather than objected to on
literary grounds. A number of commentators agree with this explanation.
Thus, Christ was totally correct about His
first prophecy and that generation did not pass until all the events
relating to it took place.
The end time generation that will witness
the events pertaining to the end times “will not pass away” until “all” the
events relating to that time come to pass.
Thus, Chris, the problem is not that Christ
“lied.” The real problem is that your knowledge and understanding of
Scriptures is very limited and your biblical ignorance becomes a source of
doubt and confusion only for others who don’t know any more than you.
But Chris has more….
CHRIS: “YET AGAIN, Jesus claims those
standing RIGHT BEFORE HIM shall see the Armageddon. Matthew 16:28
“There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they
see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” Don’t let Christians lie to
you and claim Jesus was referring to his modern day believers. The words
“some standing HERE will not taste death” clearly refutes such nonsense.
Obviously the people he was speaking to died, and curiously Jesus STILL
isn’t here to claim his kingdom.”
abysmal biblical ignorance reaches its climax in the above assertion.
Christians who know their Bible know that Christ was referring to what is
described in the very next chapter.
17 1And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his
brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart,
2And was transfigured before
them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the
3And, behold, there appeared
unto them Moses and Elias talking with him.
There you go, Chris. The ones standing
before Him saw Christ in all His glory as He would have looked while
returning to earth, together with the resurrected Moses and Elias. The fact
that this happened immediately after the prophecy should have made Chris
think; but Chris is too busy spreading nonsense to stop and
really think.
CHRIS: [Editor's note: Matthew 10:23
also has Jesus telling his disciples that the second coming will occur
before the disciples finish preaching in Israel:
"When they persecute you in one town, flee to another. Amen, I say to
you, you will not finish the towns of
Israel before the Son of Man comes."
(Matthew 10:23 NAB)]
There are two possible solutions
to the above. This author favors
the two below.
The coming of the Holy Spirit
The word “you” is a generic term which refers to the Church and their
preaching of the gospel to Israel at the end time.
When the Holy Spirit was poured down on to
the church in Jerusalem as described in the Book of Acts, Jesus Christ was
returning and residing in the minds of his converted followers. He has been
doing so with every true convert ever since.
Colossians 1:27
To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this
mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of
Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live,
but Christ
lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith
in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
The other option is that Christ may have
been referring to the work that the church would have done in Israel in the
end time. Christian evangelists may very well travel through the cities of
Israel during the Great Tribulation to announce the imminent return of the
Messiah and, before their work is done, Jesus will return.
CHRIS: John believes “the time is at hand,”
and that the things that he writes about in Revelation will “shortly come to
pass.” Revelations 1:1-3
CHRIS: John quotes Jesus (1900 years ago)
as saying he will come “quickly.” Revelations 22:7, 12 & 20
Chris is so desperate to prove his point
that he fails to see some critical dimensions. If Christ had been a
deceiver, soon after his death and lack of resurrection he would have been
nothing but a despised memory. Instead, in this book written around the turn
of the first century, a Glorious Christ who is described as the “Lamb of
God,” at least eleven times in this book, who had been sacrificed for all,
is alive and well and announcing some very momentous and traumatic events
for the whole earth.
The expression, “I come quickly” simply
means “I am coming soon.” As we read in other versions such as the NIV
Revelation 22:20 (New International
"20He who testifies to these
things says, "Yes, I am coming soon."
That is the warning of Christ since the
very beginning and Christians know what that means. Whatever the plan of God
entails will first come to pass. Generations will pass and fall asleep.
from their perspective they will be before Christ at the resurrection soon
after closing their eyes. Christ comes for all Christians upon death and
that for me and anyone else could be tomorrow.
CHRIS: John thinks he is living in “the
last times.” He “knows” this because he sees so many antichrists around.
1 John 2:18
“The last times” is an expression which
simply means the last days allotted to humanity. Nonetheless, even if john believed he was
near the end of days, that was his perception and not a God-given prophecy.
No one was to know exactly when Christ’s return would occur.
Does the Lord Delay His coming.”
CHRIS: John says that the antichrist was
already present at the time 1 John was written. 1 John 4:3
John is talking about the “Spirit” of
Antichrist. The so-called anti-Christ is anyone that opposes Christ.
CHRIS: John quotes Jesus (1900 years ago)
as saying he will come “quickly.” Revelations 3:11, 22:7, 12 & 20
Yes, very quickly, for all humans that
lived and live on earth. We die and then the Judgment.
More specifically, He is referring to those
of the end times that the prophecies refer to. (It is
well understood the church of Laodicea is a phase of the church which will
exist before Christ return). As they see the events unfold, let them get
ready: His coming is near.
CHRIS: Paul thought that the end was near
and that Jesus would return soon after he wrote these words. Philippians
It does not say that the coming of the Lord
is near, rather “The Lord is at hand.” (NKJV)
If he meant that Christ’s coming was near,
he was referring to the proximity of His coming in relation to the length of
our lives. Furthermore, we must remember that Christ
had not revealed to anyone when he would return.
CHRIS: Paul believes he is living in the
“last days.” Hebrews 1:2
“Last Days” is a relative term. The time
following Christ’s resurrection until Christ’s return are the last days in
God’s plan for mankind. Six days (Six thousand years)
have been allotted to humanity. Day five and six are the last days of the
set of six days. The seventh will be the day of rest when Jesus will rule
over humanity and give it rest (The Millennium).
CHRIS: Paul believed that Jesus would come
“in a little while, and will not tarry.” Hebrews 10:37
Yes, very much so. We fall asleep and we appear before Christ at His coming.
CHRIS: In 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 Paul
stated: “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with
the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: And the dead Christ
shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up
together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: And so shall
we ever be with the Lord. Paul shared the delusion, taught by Jesus, in that
he expected to be snatched up bodily into heaven with other saints then
living, who would, thus, never taste death. The use of “we” clearly proves
as much. It is difficult to deny that Paul was certain that the end of
the world was coming in the lifetime of his contemporaries."
And so have most Christians since the
beginning. This was part of the plan: keep Christians on their toes. The
mystery of Christ’s exact return has been a motivating factor since the
beginning and will continue being so until Christ’s return.
As for the “We” it does not necessarily
include Paul. It may have been a generic “We” and perhaps it reflected his
hope, until he recognized that his death was approaching and he too had to
wait for the resurrection.
I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.”
Timothy 4:6)
CHRIS: James thought that Jesus would
return soon. James 5:8 Peter wrongly believed that he was living
in the “last times” and that “the end of all things is at hand.” 1
Peter 1:20 & 4:7
Yes, even Peter was kept on his toes by the
mystery of Christ’s second coming. Notice, though, that his conviction of
the whole package was not that of someone who had been deceived by a
charlatan decades before but by someone who was totally convicted by the
things he had seen and the power he had been given to even give life to the
that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and
couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow
some of them.
Thus he was willing to go to his death and
wait for the resurrection.
CHRIS: YET AGAIN, Jesus claims those
standing RIGHT BEFORE HIM shall see the Armageddon. Matthew 16:28
“There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they
see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” Don’t let Christians lie to
you and claim Jesus was referring to his modern day believers. The words
“some standing HERE will not taste death” clearly refutes such nonsense.
Obviously the people he was speaking to died, and curiously Jesus STILL
isn’t here to claim his kingdom.
Notice how certain Chris is. As
we have shown above, this objection is the easiest to answer and the answer
is found in the next chapter.
Chris, therefore, is able to spew out
objections and tries to support them with scriptures. Unfortunately,
his understanding of biblical basics is so poor that he is still in kindergarten.
My appeal to people who read Chris’
nonsense is not to stop at what he says, but to dig further. If they will do
so, they will be surprised to find that the Bible is full of depth and
spiritual wealth that is hidden from the arrogant and is freely available to
humble minds who are willing to be shaped by it.
Michael Caputo
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