I just came
back from a nearby lake, where I went to meditate for awhile. While there, I
saw a most stunning, complete rainbow which inspired in me some interesting
thoughts about creation and God.
Unless one is an artist, (I am one) one would not focus on the fact that the
totality of the colour wheel, as we artists refer to it, was present within
that arch. Red blended with yellow to create orange, and then yellow went on
to blend with blue to create green which then gradually turned into blue,
etc. How real was God within that rainbow… Not only was the arch perfect in
its shape, but within it one could see one of the greatest gifts of life:
the gift of colour—and what a gift that is.
Can you imagine a black and white world? The closest we get to it is a
gloomy, humid, grey, rainy winter day in an area of the world where there
are no evergreens. That's close to what the world would be like without the
vast array of colours we witness in the Spring or Summer or Fall. Those "wow!!'s"
we tend to express when life comes alive in early Spring, or when trees fill
with reds and yellows and purples in the Fall, occur because a Great Mind
has showered nature here on earth with the gift of colour and has blessed us
humans with the sensory and brain ability to perceive it. Most of all, He
has given us a mind that can not only process but can also "experience" joy
at the richness of colours that surround us. In fact, all that surrounds us
was clearly made "for us" and for our enjoyment, which indicates-- for those
who have eyes to see-- that we are very special and very much loved by that
Great Mind that made it all.
In looking at that rainbow a few hours ago, I wasn't just looking at a
colourful arch but at another great wonder of creation that yells --oh so
loudly-- that there is a Great Mind that creates stunning wonders for the
benefit and joy a minute being called man that may be more precious to Him
than we can ever imagine; and that maybe -- just maybe-- He may have in
store for us much, much more than we can ever imagine.
“The works of God are appreciated best by other creators.”
(Leonardo Da Vinci)