There is a new breed of atheists out
there that are just as dangerous as any other kind of atheists that
preceded them. They call themselves, "Atheistic Humanists," or
"Secular Humanists." Many of them are cunning and determined, as their
atheist fathers and mothers were. Like their atheist parents they can be
easily confronted and their faith assumptions can be easily shattered with
much support from history and plain common sense.
Many modern-day atheists try to separate themselves from their aggressive
forefathers and are now attempting to put forth a new kinder, gentler
façade: Humanistic Atheism.
The heart and core of Humanistic Atheism is the faith assumption that human
nature is essentially good. They hold that human nature is good without the
need of God and definitely without the need of fear of God. They also hold
that humans have the ability to determine for themselves right and wrong.
Furthermore, they have blind faith in Science as the savior of mankind.
Quite a package.
One need not think long to see the intrinsic problems in this package.
If human nature is essentially good, then
why all the historic turmoil on this earth?
Why is human history saturated with conquests, pillaging, destructions,
sadism, endless wars, and bitter feuding at all levels. Why do we have so
little co-operation and so much competition? Why do we have terrorism,
hunger, AIDS, STD’s without end, divorces by the tens of millions, rapes,
murders, etc.?
History gives glaring evidence to
the reality that human nature has not proven to be that wonderful after all.
The past century, Atheistic Communists have tried to modify it in their
brutal ideological experiment, but they failed miserably. In those
countries, human nature resisted any attempt at change and remained
filled with selfishness, pride, and deceit. Humans everywhere are filled
with the same traits -- and Atheistic Humanists are not an exception.
They too can be selfish, proud, and dishonest --
though they might not want to admit it.
As for the human ability to determine right from wrong, it is naïve thinking
for two reasons: First of all, to discover what is right and wrong one must
first of all define what is right and what is wrong. The moment one rejects
Revelation, one is left with human bias. Try to get a group of philosophers
to determine what is right and what is wrong and you will have lots of fun.
This honorable attempt has been tried
before and the result is among us today; it is called “Moral Relativism.”
That is, each human is free to determine right from wrong, for himself.
The second problem with this philosophy is that one can easily rationalize
that “the end justifies the means,” as Machiavelli taught us. Humans can
rationalize all sorts of evil actions as being ultimately “beneficial” for
the many. Hitler and Stalin and Mao killed tens of millions so that future
multitudes could enjoy heaven on earth.
If one deceives himself into believing
that his evil actions will finally be beneficial to the many, then all kind
of devious actions can be permitted.
As to Atheists’ blind faith in Science as the savior of mankind, one need
only look at the evidence. The scientific method has been around since
Galileo’s time. Four hundred years have gone by. The discoveries have been
many; the technological advancements have been many; the medical discoveries
have been many. We have advanced mightily in all fields of scientific
endeavors and what is the end result? Atomic weapons that can pulverize all
of humanity in a few minutes, un-breathable air, un-drinkable water,
un-eatable foods, and global warming. Human extinction is on the
horizon, and we have Science and human nature to thank for it.
And yet Humanistic Atheists put their trust in the two forces that are
bringing us to the brink of extinction.
How is that for self-delusion?
In spite of the avalanche of evidence that demolishes the pillars of
Atheistic Humanism, its propagators choose to pull the curtain on the
damning past and present and tell their disciples that they can still
succeed in solving the world’s problems -- in spite of past failures.
But how? Do they have a magic wand that can finally transform humanity? Can
they make selfishness, greed and irresponsible Science vanish? Are they
imbued with super-human wisdom no one else has?
Atheist Humanists are attempting to deceive many into a philosophy that has
no firm foundation. All of them have made the mistake of rejecting the
Source of all wisdom and the Source of solutions that work and by so doing
they have entered a dark tunnel without an end. We believers must confront
this new Atheistic manifestation unceasingly until it becomes extinct.
We Believe in God
The Greatest Artists,
Musicians, Philosophers, Scientists, Writers and Poets
Believed in God...(And a great many Nobel-Prize winners).

Unlike what atheists
propagate, the greatest minds of the past believed in God.
Read the fully-referenced proofs in this book.
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