One of the ongoing criticisms of
atheists is that believers are naive to believe in such things as an Eternal
Being, a virgin birth and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Yet, their
belief system revolves around believing in the most absurd package humans
have ever conceived.
Yes, we believers
hold on to the notion of a Creator God who is in total control of His
creation and who made it all come to be for His own amazing purpose. We know
there was a time when the Great Mind conceived the present universe; a
universe wherein he would bring about a special planet where endless forms
of life would be created and where His masterpiece, humanity, would be
brought to completion for a stunning purpose.
What is the
atheistic alternative? A pathetic and childish belief that “blind” energy
has always existed, and that this titanic energy, for no comprehensible
reason, suddenly exploded and turned itself into infinite numbers of atoms
which follow prescribed laws, which can combine to create infinite chemical
compounds which can combine to create the stunning DNA, which can provide
information to bring about countless “thinking” beings, which are programmed
to reproduce endlessly.
According to
atheists, this astounding package, “JUST HAPPENED.”
I cannot but
chuckle when people like Dawkins write books in which they postulate how it
would be possible for life forms to evolve their stunning complexity “very
gradually.” He and other evolutionists like himself create “fantastic”
possibilities as to how gradual changes could bring about astonishing
The most amazing
thing in their explanations is how they simply take for granted that all the
“necessary” changes “HAPPENED.” “All” the changes which were necessary for
the coming forth of everything we see and marvel at “HAPPENED.”
How astonishing!
Atheists are a
very unreal bunch. They see the notion of a Planner as being irrational and
absurd, yet they see the above scenario as being totally possible, and true.
Atheists pride
themselves in being very intelligent people. The God of the Bible, instead,
calls them “foolish.” This means that they are exceptionally “irrational.”
Yes, one can be intelligent academically and yet be very irrational.
The reasons for
their irrational bent are many. Some simply use faulty logic; some are very
emotional and blind themselves into believing the unbelievable; many have a
rebellious, God-hating, sin-loving mentality, which carries them into the
For the belief that
in our grand creation everything
“JUST HAPPENED,” is the ultimate and the greatest of all absurdities.
God Exist?
Is God?
Atheism – Why Don't They
Believe in
Can an
Atheist Believe in
Free Will?