getting to know Alfred Kinsey, another fanatical atheist, one cannot but
feel a level of revulsion. Kinsey was a hypocritical, and deceitful man who projected the clean conservative American image
while living a life saturated with perversions. Alfred Kinsey succeeded in
convincing America that his revolutionary, pseudo-scientific research
deserved serious consideration in shaping the morals and laws of the nation.
His success was due to deviously crafted lies and
a relentless desire to make Christian morality a thing of the past. America
is no longer recognizable and is sinking evermore in bottomless pit of moral
degeneracy in large part thanks to the evil work of this distorted atheist mind.
"Alfred Charles Kinsey was born in Hoboken, New Jersey on June 23, 1894.
Raised in a strict Methodist home where dancing, tobacco, alcohol and dating
were forbidden, he would eventually sever all ties with his parents - and
their religion - and lived the rest of his life as an avid atheist."
an ardent atheist, considered most of what he read about sex prudish because
it was based on traditional "Judaeo-Christian" ethics he considered
“Alfred Kinsey,” Gay History,
(26 May, 2009).
"Kinsey also was an avowed
who refused to hire Jews, blacks or committed Christians [Hitler was
anti-Christian as well] throughout his career. Moreover, like the Nazis,
Kinsey was a proponent of eugenics,
which is the science of improving the human race through selective
Duke, S., “The
Re-whitewashing of Pedophile Alfred Kinsey.”
(26 May, 2009).
launching into his “research” on human sexuality, Dr. Alfred Kinsey was a
confirmed atheist, eugenicist and evolutionist who
believed that “religious-based,”
“ancient taboos” were to blame for America’s supposedly repressive sexual
attitudes and resulting social disorder."
Smith, J.,
“Kinsey’s Consequences.” Concerned
Women of America.
(26 May, 2009).
"In other words, Kinsey set out to conduct a study that would reinforce his
own liberal attitudes to sexuality, not because of pure scientific motives
but because of his atheism and his belief in the Darwinian view that humans
were merely animals and morality was repressive."
Rogue Monkey,
How a Diehard Evolutionist
Used Junk Science to Kickstart the Sexual Revolution."
http://www.investigatemagazine.com/Kinsey.htm. (28 May, 2008)
“Dr. Kinsey’s most egregious fraud is that he wasn’t a scientist,” Reisman
said the other day.
was an ideologue who was most importantly a sex offender at best, and,
beyond being a sex offender, he was certainly a child sexual abuser and/or
solicitor and guide in the perpetration of that abuse.”
At the root of this accusation is an interview that Kinsey conducted with a
sexual predator who kept detailed records of his activities with hundreds of
women, men, and children.
But it is not simply Kinsey’s neutrality toward such people that upsets
Reisman. She claims that Kinsey actively solicited pedophiles to molest
children and report back to him. In fact, she said, “there is absolutely no
reason to believe that Kinsey himself was not involved in the sexual abuse
of these children.”
Rodosh, D., “Why Know?” New Yorker.
(26 May, 2009).
"Dr. Reisman:
Your manuscript does an impressive and important job of exposing how heavily
Kinsey’s data relate to criminals and sex deviates·. Kinsey does, to be
sure, scatter bits of information about this; no one previously has done the
painstaking detective work of pulling the bits and pieces together and
estimating the proportion of respondents who were in these categories. . .
your figure of "roughly 86 percent," it does appear to be in the right ball
park; but even if the correct figure were only a quarter of that the effect
on Kinsey’s validity would be devastating. Overall, your manuscript strongly
reinforces my 1949 conclusion that ". . . it is impossible to say that the
book has much value·"
(Wallis, W.
Allen, is the past president of the American Statistical Associationand
editor of the Journal of the American Statistical) association.)
Allen, Wallis, W.,
"Letter to Reisman."
(26 May,
"In fact, notes
Dr. Reisman, Kinsey's 'research' was not designed to simply liberate America
from outdated and restrictive sexual morality, which is a common
"Kinsey meant to undermine the legal protections for the
institution of marriage,"
writes Reisman in her book, and the legal legacy
of Kinsey's efforts is an accelerating descent of our culture into
pornography, protected by a perversion of laws governing freedom of speech.
in all the top the law schools, according to Dr. Reisman, published law
review articles demanding we lighten our allegedly repressive sex laws. "It
was a small cabal of lawyers, psychologists, and Kinsey," said Reisman.
"These people went about quietly, state by state, creating commission
reports on sex that were forwarded to the state legislatures. The
legislatures then responded by implementing the ALI/MPC recommendations.
Prostitution, "contributing to the delinquency of a minor, sodomy, all of
these laws crumbled when Kinsey 's fraudulent data were presented to state
broke down the structures that were put into place in our society to protect
children, women, and the family structure," Dr. Reisman observes.
Look at the data regarding sex in the late 1940's. Abortion was illegal and
contraception was difficult to obtain, especially for a single person. If
what Kinsey was saying about the commonality of co-habitation, sex out of
wedlock, prostitution and promiscuity were true, we would have had epidemic
rates of "illegitimacy," sexually transmitted diseases , rape, and child
sexual abuse. In fact, there were no such epidemics, because nonmarital
sexual activity simply did not exist on anywhere near the scale Kinsey
Reisman noted, "Kinsey said he found that children were 100% orgasmic, even
babies. 96% of our men are male sex offenders, 50% of husbands and 26% of
wives were adulterers, and 90% of all single pregnant girls were having
abortions… He claimed that the majority of all American men and women
were bi-sexual…Which begs the question -- how does he know all this?"
Dr. Reisman speculates that Kinsey's Midwestern university credentials were
critical in suppressing protest. In her book, Dr. Reisman includes public
relations photos and campaigns that were used to give the public the
impression that Kinsey was an otherwise normal and serious scholar, and the
con worked. "Nobody asked how he knew about the children's orgasms," noted
Dr. Reisman, "because it was assumed that Kinsey's university research was
scientific, and guess what? It wasn't scientific at all. It was fraud!"
Maurer, K.,
"Dr. Judith Reisman, Advises Catholic Church to Sue the Sex Experts for
Medical Malpractice." Free Republic.
(26 May,
(a former employee of the Kinsey Institute) “…describes the Indiana
University professor as a "secular evangelist," "a scolding preacher rather
than a scientist," and a "covert revolutionary" who "used science to lay
siege to middle class morality."
Kinsey, explains Jones, engaged in "a public crusade for private reasons."
Those "private reasons" included a bizarre sex-life that involved
wife-swapping, homosexual group-sex, an extreme masochism that helped
destroy his health, and, perhaps, pedophilia. At every turn these "private
and a need for dominance over others—permeated his "scientific" work.”
“Kinsey’s fellow researchers also served as his sex partners. Their zeal for
sex played a role in leading their research to focus on people who deviated
from societal standards—pimps, prostitutes, homosexuals, imprisoned sex
offenders, etc.—and away from those who conformed. Kinsey’s "methodology and
sampling technique virtually guaranteed that he would find what he was
looking for," confesses Jones.
Kinsey’s perversion was often self-destructive.
For most of his life, he
masturbated with a "toothbrush" inserted in his urethra. At one point, Jones
conveys, Kinsey crawled into a bathtub and "circumcised himself without the
benefit of amnesia." Perhaps most disturbing of Jones’ revelations is an
incident that happened during the college professor’s final years. Jones
explains, "he tied a strong, tight knot around his scrotum with one end of
the rope dangling from the pipe overhead. The other end he wrapped around
his hand. Then, he climbed up on a chair, and jumped off, suspending himself
in midair." The self-inflicted torture would hospitalize him for weeks and,
ironically, may have contributed to the untimely death of this champion of
"sexual freedom" two years later.
Although the total number of men used for the Male volume is in
dispute (estimates range from 4,100 to 6,300), 1,400 members of the sample
group were prison inmates. For Kinsey and his fellow researchers, basing
their survey on the inhabitants of an environment that is a notorious
breeding ground for perversion was still not enough to skew the data to
their satisfaction. By developing key contacts in the urban gay subcultures
of Chicago, New York, St. Louis and other big cities, Kinsey was able to
interview hundreds of homosexuals, procuring sexual liaisons for himself
while simultaneously weighting his study toward his pre-drawn conclusions.
Reisman demonstrates that this same kind of statistical trickery is
pervasive throughout the Female volume. Prostitutes, for instance, were
reclassified as "married women" to portray American wives as more
promiscuous than they really were.
Kinsey’s need for control manifested itself in his demands to know the
sexual case histories of all his workers and their families. He regulated
the sexual behavior of those on his staff and demanded access to them, and
occasionally, their wives. So great was his dominance that Pomeroy and
Martin felt compelled to ask his permission to engage in extra-marital
affairs. Kinsey, "like other notorious cult leaders," Reisman quite
appropriately states, expected "total obedience from his staff."
The keystone of Reisman’s work, however, continues to be Kinsey’s role in
the abuse of hundreds of children. Attempting to prove that humans are
sexual from birth, Kinsey collected data on at least 324 (and perhaps as
many as 2,000) children. Infants, as young as two months old, said Kinsey,
achieve "orgasm" after being stimulated from "partners." Symptoms of sexual
climax for young children, claimed Kinsey, often included "sobbing,"
"violent cries," "loss of color," and an "abundance of tears."
How Kinsey obtained his data on children is a point of contention. Kinsey
claimed it was the work of one scientifically inclined pedophile. Paul
Gebhard, a co-author of the Female volume and a later director of the
Kinsey Institute, admits that several pedophiles contributed to the data.
Still another Kinsey Institute official denies any involvement with sexual
"Kinsey: Crimes
and Consequences." Accuracy in Academia.
(26 May, 2009).
Jones describes Kinsey as "one of the scholarly eugenicists of pre-WW II"
who favoured mass sterilization for the lower classes and selective breeding
for the "better classes."
Moreover, Judith Reisman emphasizes, the Rockefeller Foundation was early
interested in population control and in using the media to popularize it.
The Reece Committee, investigating U.S. tax-exempt foundations in 1953-54,
concluded that this "plutocratic control" was accomplished by "funding the
'right' university research by the 'right' researchers, then by funding mass
media dissemination of the 'right' science data to the public..." Kinsey's
numbers made him a perfect fit for anyone eager to alter what he would call
human "breeding patterns."
Reisman, a specialist in content analysis studies of written and visual
media, lost many family members in the Holocaust. In that context she raises
further sinister questions about Kinsey's data. For instance, who was the
"lone pedophile," the "elderly gentleman," cited by Kinsey for his sexual
molestation of 800 children? Who were "The Children of Table 34" and what
became of them? How did Kinsey's "technically trained" observers gain access
to the claimed 1,800 American children for illegal genital experiments? "To
this day," she observes, "the Kinsey Institute and Indiana University have
repeatedly... refused to reveal any names of the subjects or the
experimenters..." Nor has any one of these children ever come forth,
although the institute seems an excellent target for lawsuits.
in the destitute 1930s, at the cited rate of a dollar a day, she doubts that
children as young as three months were obtainable in such numbers around
Bloomington, Indiana. She suggests an ominous but credible alternative: a
collaborative link between Kinsey and Nazi Germany, then a police state
where such "experimentation" could have easily been conducted "as part of an
on-going collegial, cross-cultural, multinational, `fact-finding' research
project." She cites significant links, such as one George Sylvester Viereck
who worked for the German Embassy in Washington D.C. Viereck established
Nazi front groups, and is known to have been a Kinsey correspondent.
Furthermore, the Rockefeller Foundation was simultaneously funding eugenics
projects in Berlin."
Abrams, K. E., “Evidence of
Kinsey ‘sex research’ fraud.”
(26 May, 2009).
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