“God . . .
from whom we acknowledge all things to be received.”
1969, 1)
“God who ruleth the heavens shall rule all things on earth.”
is impossible to set forth a certain time for the consummation of the
world, which only dependeth upon the good will and pleasure of God, and is
not revealed to angels, and therefore cannot be known by any human
prescience.” (Ibid.,
“For who, after
applying himself to things which he sees established in the best order and
directed by divine ruling, would not through contemplation and them and
through a certain habituation be awakened to that which is best and would
not admire the Artificer of all things,
in Whom is all
happiness and every good? For the divine psalmist surely did not say
gratuitously that he took pleasure in the workings of God and rejoiced in
the works of His hands, unless by means of those things as by some sort of
vehicle we are transported to the contemplation of the highest good?”
(Copernicus, 1873,
“God, without
whom we can do nothing.” (Ibid., 12)
"I believe in
Spinoza's God, who reveals Himself in the harmony of all being."
1969, 103)
"You believe in God playing dice, and I in perfect laws in the world of
things existing as real objects, which I try to grasp in a wildly
speculative way"
defend the Good God against the idea of a continuous game of dice."
1972, 425)
"I'm not much with people, and I'm not a family man. I want my peace. I
want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or
that phenomena in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His
thoughts, the rest are details."
1971, 18-19)
religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony
of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that,
compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings
is an utterly insignificant reflection."
1982, 57)
“Death has to the Christian everything hoped for, contained in the idea
of reunion. I cannot think. I cannot think that death has to the
Christian anything in it that should make it a rare, or other than a
constant, thought; out of the view of death comes the view of the life
beyond the grave, as out of the view of sin (that true and real view
which the Holy spirit alone can give to man) comes the glorious hope;
without the conviction of sin there is no ground of hope to the
(Faraday II, 1870,
“As though
death be repugnant to the flesh, yet where the Spirit is given, to die
is gain.”
(Ibid., 424)
“And though the thought of death brings the thought of judgment, which
is far above all the trouble that arises from the breaking of mere
earthly ties, it also brings to the Christian the thought of Him who
died, was judged and who rose again for the justification of those who
believe in Him.”
(Ibid., 424)
“Though fear of death can be a great
thought, the hope of eternal life is far greater. Much more is the
phrase the apostle uses in such comparisons. Though sin has reigned unto
death, much more is the hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ.”
(Ibid., 424-425)
“Though we may
well fear for ourselves and our faith, much more may we trust in Him who
is faithful; and though we have the treasures in earthen vessels, and so
are surrounded by the infirmities of the flesh with all the accompanying
hesitation – temptations and the attacks of the Adversary – yet it is
that the excellency of the power of God may be with us.”
(Ibid., 425)
“There is far more exceeding and eternal
weight of glory for them who, through God’s power,
look not at the
things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For we are
utterly insufficient for these things, but the sufficiency is of God,
and that makes it fit for His people – His strength perfect in their
(Ibid., 425)
“The Christian
. . . is taught of God (by His Word and the Holy Spirit) to trust in
the promise of salvation though the work of Jesus Christ. He finds his
guide in the Word of God, and commits the keeping of his soul into the
hands of God. He looks for no assurance beyond what the Word can give
him, and if his mind is troubled by the cares and fears which may assail
him, he can go nowhere but in his prayer to the throne of grace and to
the Scripture.”
(Ibid., 426)
“As to the
truth, of which mathematical demonstrations give us the knowledge, it is
the same which the Divine Wisdom knoweth; but . . . the manner whereby
God knoweth the infinite propositions, whereof we understand some few,
is highly more excellent than ours, which proceedeth by ratiocination,
and passeth from conclusion to conclusion, whereas His is done at a
single thought or intuition. Now the inferences which our intellect
apprehendeth with time and a gradual motion the Divine Wisdom, like
light, penetrateth in an instant, which is the same as to say, hath them
always present.”
(Burtt, 1951, 72)
“May it be our
lot, by the grace of the true Son, pure and immaculate, to learn from
Him, with all other truths, that which we are now seeking.”
(Poupard, 1983, 42)
“God could
have made birds with bones of massive gold, with veins full of molten
silver, with flesh heavier than lead and with tiny wings . . . He could
have made fish heavier than lead, and thus twelve times heavier than
water, but He has wished to make the former of bone, flesh, and feathers
that are light enough, and the latter as heavier than water, to teach us
that He rejoices in simplicity and facility.”
(Ibid., 99)
“I therefore
conclude, that our knowledge . . . is separated from the Divine
knowledge by an infinite interval.”
(Ibid., 101)
“When I reflect on so many profoundly marvelous things that persons
have grasped, sought, and done I recognize even more clearly that human
intelligence is a work of God, and one of the most excellent.”
(Ibid., 101)
“To the Lord; whom I worship and thank;
That governs the heavens with His eyelid
To Him I return tired, but full of living.”
(Chiari, 1970, 321)
“To me the works of nature and of God are miraculous.”
(Brunetti, 1964, 506)
“One must not doubt the possibility that the Divine Goodness at times
may choose to inspire a ray of His immense knowledge in low and high
intellects when they are adorned with sincere and holy zeal.”
(Ibid., 545)
“I trust the infinite goodness of God may direct toward the purity of
my mind a small amount of His grace that I may understand the meaning of
His words.”
(Ibid., 550)
“The Holy Scriptures cannot lie.”
(Ibid., 558)
"For there is no other
way (without revelation), to know God but by the manifestations in
(Christianson, 257)
"He is the God of organization not of disarray."
(Ibid., 261)
“For the Bible is not chained
in every expression to conditions as strict as those that govern all
physical effects; nor is God any less excellently revealed in Nature’s
actions than in the sacred testaments of the Bible.”
(Ibid., 252)
“The supreme God exists
necessarily, and by the same necessity He exists always and
everywhere. Whence also He is all similar, all eye, all ear, all
brain, all arm, all power to perceive, to understand, and to act; but in a
manner not at all human, in a manner not at all corporeal, in a manner
utterly unknown to us. As a blind man has no idea of colors, so have we no
idea of the manner by which the all-wise God perceives and understands all
things. He is utterly void of all body and bodily figure, and can,
therefore neither be seen or heard or touched; nor ought He to be
worshiped under the representation of any corporeal thing. We have ideas
of His attributes but what the real substance of anything is we know not.
In bodies we see only their figures and colors, we hear only the sound, we
touch only their outward surfaces, we smell only the smells and taste the
savors, but their inward substances are not to be known either by our
senses or by any reflex act of our minds; much less, then, have we any
idea of the substance of God. We know Him only by His most wise and
excellent contrivances of things
and final causes; we admire Him for His perfections, but we reverence and
adore Him on account of His dominion, for we adore Him as His servants.”
(Thayer, 1953, 45)
“From His true dominion
it follows that the true God is a living, intelligent and powerful being;
and from His other perfections, that He is supreme, or most perfect. He is
eternal and infinite, omnipotent and omniscient; that is, His duration
reaches from eternity to eternity; His presence from infinity to infinity;
He governs all things, and knows all things that are or can be done. He is
not eternity or infinity, but eternal and infinite; He is not duration or
space, but He endureth and is present. He endureth forever, and is
everywhere present; and by existing always and everywhere, He constitutes
duration and space . . . In Him are all things contained and moved.”
(Burtt, 1951, 257)
“I must profess I know no
sufficient natural cause of the earth diurnal motion. Where natural causes
are at hand God uses them as instruments in His works, but I do not think
them alone sufficient for His creation and therefore may be allowed to
suppose that amongst other things God gave the earth its motion by such
degrees and at such times as was most suitable to His creatures.”
Turnbull, 1960, 334)
“We acknowledge God, the Supreme and Omnipotent
Creator, to be present in the production of all animals, and to point,
as it were, with a finger to His existence in His works, the parents
being in every case but the instruments in His hands. In the generation
of the Pullet from the egg all things are indeed contrived and ordered
with singular providence, divine wisdom, and most admirable and
incomprehensible skill. And to none can these attributes be referred
save to the Almighty, first cause of all things . . . the Creator and
Father of all that is in heaven and earth, on whom animals depend for
their being, and at whose will and pleasure all things are and were
(Harvey, 1989, 443)
Omnipotent Maker of all things . . . upon Whom all animals and their
births depend: and at Whose beck, or mandate, all things are created and
(Keynes, 1966, 94)
“It had
pleased God by His hands o humble me so low.”
(Ibid., 249)
“The examination of the bodies of animals has
always been my delight, and I have thought that we might thence not only
obtain an insight into the lighter mysteries of nature, but there
perceive a kind of image or reflection of the omnipotent Creator
(Ibid., 330)
(God) “Who has
not contrived the shell for the defense of the egg with less of skill
and foresight that he has composed all other parts of the egg of the
same matter, and produced it under the influence of the same formative
(Pagel, 1967, 235)
"Great is our Lord and great is His strength and there is no number to
His wisdom. Praise Him heavens, praise Him sun, moon, planets, whatever
sense you may use to perceive, whatever tongue to express our Creator.
Praise Him heavenly harmonies, praise Him you witnesses of the (now)
detected harmonies. Praise also you, my soul, your Lord the Creator as
long as I shall be. For from Him and through Him, and in Him is all. . .
To Him be praise, honour and glory into all eternity. Amen.
1975, 361)
"But we Christians .
. . know that the eternal and uncreated Logos who was with God and who
is contained by no abode. . . has occupied the heavens as His royal
(Ibid., 356)
“In good philosophy, the word
cause ought to be reserved to the
single divine impulse that has formed the universe.”
1995, 141-142)
“The atmosphere in which we live swarms with the germs of those
microscopic creatures, which are always ready to multiply in dead
matter wherever it presents itself, and thus to fulfil the mission of
destruction which is correlative to their life. And if God had not so
arranged things that, under normal conditions of life and health, the laws
governing the changes in tissues and fluids of animal’s bodies did not
impede the proliferation of these microscopic creatures, we should always
be vulnerable to their inroads.”
1966, 161)