Militant atheists do not hide their arrogance and their superiority; they
proudly exhibit it whenever they have the opportunity. Their web sites are
replete with pride, impertinent comments, tangible sarcasm and copious
ridicule of religion. The following are just a few examples of their
arrogant and condescending attitudes and statements.
...but first a candid admission:
"To atheists, I make an especially avid plea to
reconsider their own position as well. I am tired of heated debates that
lead to personal insult. I find Christians who are close-minded frustrating,
but I find atheists who speak sarcastically and disrespectfully equally
(Emphasis Mine)
O'Brien, Paul,
Gentle Godlessness, Infidels Web Site. <http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/paul_obrien/gentle/atheism1.html>
(9 July, 2008).
When a fellow student sitting next to her sneezed last Monday,
Tennessee high school senior Kendra Turner responded with a gentle
"bless you." For this common courtesy, Kendra was corrected in front
of her class by the Dyer County High School typing teacher.
The teacher told Kendra, “We will not have Godly speaking in my
At the first of the school year, the teacher specifically
prohibited the words “bless you,” along with other words such as
“stupid,” “dumb” and “boring” in her class.
Read more at <http://www.afa.net/action-alerts/student-suspended-for-saying-bless-you-in-class#Zm7z43ucLz318k0d.99>
(22, 08, 2014).
The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is
threatening to sue Steven after he offered a discount to customers who
bring in a church bulletin. They said Bailey’s Pizza is violating the
Civil Rights Act of 1964.
(22, 08, 2014).
When school's not in session, church
is ... and that's a problem apparently
Bob Kellogg (OneNewsNow.com) Thursday, February 20,
well-known atheists in Hawaii have accused several churches of
defrauding the government by leasing space for Sunday services in school
buildings," Schowengerdt relays. "They're saying that the churches
should've paid more than they did, even though they paid everything that
the government asked them to pay. So ... they're baseless lawsuits." -
See more at: http://onenewsnow.com/legal-courts/2014/02/20/when-schools-not-in-session-church-is-and-thats-a-problem-apparently#.UwaodnaPKM8
The FFRF: The new
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Kountze cheerleaders told no Bible verses on signs
For three straight weeks, high school football players in
a small southeast Texas town took the field by bolting through
large red-and-white banners that hollered the praises of Jesus
Most people in Kountze viewed the banners as evidence of the
students' admirable moral upbringing -- Christianity and the
Bible always had been fundamental to this town of 2,100.
But someone complained to a foundation that fights for the
separation of church and state, and by Tuesday, a day after
receiving a letter from the Freedom From Religion Foundation,
the superintendent banned the banners, and the town became
embroiled in a controversy that has touched other communities
Can they stood any lower?
August 30/ 2012
Atheist's invocation a 'slap in the face' to the nation
An Oklahoma delegate to the Republican National
Convention is incensed that the Tulsa City Council has agreed
to allow an atheist to pray at its meeting today.
The prayer, or "invocation," ends a year-long battle with
council members in the "Bible Belt" city. The Humanist
Association of Tulsa has worked for years to prevent sectarian
prayers before Tulsa City Council meetings, finding little
success with the leaders who remain confident that the
practice is constitutional.
Toni Calvey, Oklahoma resident and Republican delegate
representing The Sooner State in Tampa, has concerns about
what the atheist's prayer represents.
"Personally I think it's a slap in the face to our
Christian heritage … our nation and … our state of Oklahoma,"
she comments. "We are a conservative state, and I think that
something like this is meant to be provocative, and it's
insulting to me."
From Arrogance to irrational:
The Freedom
from Religion Foundation spews more venom...
City’s logo under atheist attack
Charlie Butts (OneNewsNow.com)
Monday, August 27, 2012 11:00 AM
"The Freedom from Religion Foundation is threatening to sue if it
is not removed, according to attorney Mat Staver of
Liberty Counsel.
Staver says that section of the logo has special significance.
"The Franciscan Chapel in this small community
is part of the Franciscan University, which is very influential
and very important to the history of Steubenville," Staver
explains. "This particular logo has that as one of several
different pictures."
"To suggest that this is an establishment of
religion is absolutely preposterous, but this is just the same
modus operandi for Freedom From Religion Foundation, which is a
very anti-Christian organization bent on literally erasing every
picture, every word, every memory of our Judeo/Christian heritage
from America," the attorney says.
Franciscan University not only has
historical importance but is also the town's biggest employer.
Staver is pleased that Steubenville is
refusing to back down, and he notes that Liberty Counsel has
offered to represent the city free of charge".
Freedom from Religion Foundation at it again...
atheist organization is suing Texas Governor Rick
Perry, a possible presidential candidate, for initiating a private
prayer event scheduled for August 6 in Houston. (Even private prayer
events now bothers the FFRF. )
A Nobel
Prize winner gets the prize for foolishness.
"Jose Saramago,
who won the 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature, said society would probably
be better off without the Bible.
"The Bible is a manual of bad
morals (which) has a powerful influence on our culture and even our way
of life. Without the Bible, we would be different, and probably better
people," he was quoted as saying by the news agency Lusa.
Saramago attacked "a cruel,
jealous and unbearable God (who) exists only in our heads" and said he
did not think his book would cause problems for the Catholic Church
"because Catholics do not read the Bible."
"'It might offend Jews, but
that doesn't really matter to me," he added.'"
In God you must not
"The nation's largest group of
atheists and agnostics filed a lawsuit Tuesday seeking to block an
architect from engraving "In God We Trust" and the Pledge of Allegiance
at the Capitol Visitor Center in Washington.
The Madison-based Freedom From
Religion Foundation's lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in western
Wisconsin, claims the taxpayer-funded engravings would be an
unconstitutional endorsement of religion.
The foundation also is
challenging the constitutionality of the National Day of Prayer in
federal court."
Foley, J. Ryan,,
"Lawsuit seeks to block 'In God We Trust' engraving." The
Associated Press. <http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5htxe4DfXCO-Usm3nLfXgWZmLiYTQD99EEU200>
(17 July, 2009).
How about total
disrespect for places of worship...
"An Italian cathedral will have
to be purified after a couple of goth rock fans had sex in a confession
box. The cathedral, in the northern city of Cesena, is no longer
considered fit as a place of worship and requires a special Mass to
restore its sanctity, church officials said. The act which desecrated
the church took place during a seven o'clock service on Saturday
morning. A parishioner heard ''rustling and groaning'' coming from the
box and called the Carabinieri, who whisked the curtains aside to find
the pair of goths engaged in oral sex. ''We're atheists. Having sex in
church is the same as doing it anywhere else,'' said the pair, aged 31
and 32."
"Cathedral to be
Purified after Sex." <http://www.italymag.co.uk/italy/emilia-romagna/cathedral-be-purified-after-sex>
(22 October, 2009).
How far
will the FFRF go? One more example...
"A county
government in Wisconsin will no longer open its meetings with prayer,
against the will of the majority.The Dodge County Board of Supervisors
has traditionally opened their meetings with prayer for years, until
newly-elected Supervisor Dean Fuller complained it was unconstitutional.
The Associated Press reports board chairman Russell Kottke
received a letter from the atheist Freedom from Religion Foundation,
claiming prayer is illegal and suggesting the meetings be opened with a
moment of silence."
Butts, C. and Cooper M.
"One complaint bans prayer for Wisc. board meeting." OneNewsNow - <http://www.onenewsnow.com/Legal/Default.aspx?id=415572>
(11 Feb. 2009)
Militant atheist wants to dictate what is being said by the
president-elect during the oath of office. Another example of pushing
the will of the few on the many by trying to change a tradition that
goes back to George Washington.
"Avowed atheist
Michael Newdow, infamous for his attacks against references to God in
the Pledge of Allegiance and the national motto, now wants to remove all
religious references from Barack Obama's inauguration. Newdow, who in
past legal battles has tried to strip the United States currency of a
reference to God and has sued to alter the pledge of allegiance in
schools, now wants to alter history. Newdow wants the president-elect
barred from a traditional reference to God in the oath of office -- "so
help me God" -- because those words are not in the oath set out in the
Constitution. He also wants two prayers by well-known Christian figures
cancelled. Revs. Rick Warren and Joseph Lowery are scheduled to deliver
inaugural prayers on January 20."
Jody, Atheist Rips into Presidential Oath. Onenewsnow
Web Site. <http://www.onenewsnow.com/Legal/Default.aspx?id=370220>
(31 December, 2008)
insolence of the FFRF marches on as shown in this pathetic example of
The Freedom from
Religion Foundation in Washington state has asked for and been granted
permission to install a plaque in the Washington State Capitol next to a
Nativity scene which reads in part:
“There are no gods, no devils, no heaven or hell. There is only our
natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens
hearts and enslaves minds.”
Marcia, Atheist
Plaque Next to Nativity Scene in Washington
(4 December, 2008).
"EDMONTON - Ian Bushfield wants
God off the program when University of Alberta students line up in caps
and gowns next spring to get their degrees.
On Monday he gets to make his
Bushfield is the head of
the university's Atheists and Agnostics association, which has
petitioned the University of Alberta to remove the reference to God in
the traditional convocation speech delivered by the chancellor to new
In the speech, the chancellor
urges those in mortar boards to use their newly granted parchments for
"the glory of God and the honour of your country."
Dean Bennett, The
Canadian Press, "University of Alberta considers Excising God from
Convocation Speech. <"http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/081026/national/alta_god_graduation>
(25, October, 2008)
Here is one example of
extreme fanaticism. This atheist site offers a free video to young people
who have the guts to upload a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and risk
spending their eternity in Hell. Can anyone stoop lower than this....
"You may damn yourself to Hell
however you would like, but somewhere in your video you must say this
phrase: "I deny the Holy Spirit."
Why? Because, according to Mark
3:29 in the Holy Bible, "Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will
never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin." Jesus will forgive you
for just about anything, but he won't forgive you for denying the
existence of the Holy Spirit. Ever. This is a one-way road you're taking
The Blasphemy
Challenge.com (21 July, 2008).
Can anyone compete with
Richard Dawkins in the area of arrogance? Doubtful. (See
Dawkins's Rebuttals, on this site.
doesn't shy from controversy, nor does he suffer fools gladly. He recently
met a minister who was on the opposite side of a British political debate.
When the minister put out his hand, Dawkins kept his hands at his side and
said, "You, sir, are an ignorant bigot."
(Freedom From Religion)
"Foundation PR director Dan Barker and Foundation president Anne Gaylor
stood beside a Ten Commandment monument in Denver, Colorado and placed
beside it the following marker with Anne's suggested wording for a
freethought alternative."
"There are no
gods, no devils no angels no heaven or hell. There is only our natural
world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and
enslaves minds."
"Other Court Challenges." FFRF Web Site. <http://www.ffrf.org/legal/legal5.php>
(9 July, 2008).
(Atheists such as the two above excel in vast generalizations. See
Mistakes" on this
"Do study the ten
commandments! They epitomize the childishness, the vindictiveness, the
sexism, the inflexibility and the inadequacies of the bible as a book of
"What's Wrong With the Ten
FFRF Web Site.
(9 July, 2008).
Atheist forcefulness is
nothing new. This example goes back to 1858. That spirit is alive and well
in many of today's atheists.
"If we find a mind
bound round with Creeds and Bibles, we will select a sharp knife to cut the
bonds; if we find men prostrating
themselves, without inquiry, before idols, our policy is
iconoclastic -- we will destroy those idols. If we find a rock in our path,
we will break it; but we will not quarrel with our brother who deems his
proper work to be that of polishing the fragments. We believe all the
religions of the world are founded on error, in the ignorance of natural
causes and material conditions, and we deem it our duty to
endeavor to expose
their falsity. Our policy is therefore aggressive."
Bradlaugh, Charles,
"Aggressive Atheism,"
Investigator Newspaper, Nov. 1, 1858.
Cited in The Atheist
Eye Web Site. <http://www.atheisteye.com/AggressiveAtheism.html>
(9 July,
Madalyn Murray O'hair, a champion of atheism, had no respect for
agnostics. In her typical intolerant way, she dismissed them as
"gutless." (Richard Dawkins has a somewhat similar attitude. See
Dawkins' Rebuttals, on this site.
"The Atheist position
is that the traditionalist historical concepts of god are quite fallacious
and that the notion of some ``super power'' is not now susceptible of proof
by existing scientific methods or by the accumulation of knowledge presently
accessible to man. Therefore the Atheists live as if there were no god, no
efficacy in prayer, and no life after death. We are free from theism. We bet
everything on this as being accurate.
The agnostic is
gutless and prefers to keep one safe foot in the god camp."
following statement encapsulates the long-term agenda of atheists. They
clearly mean business.
See also Atheist Agenda, on this site.
genuineness and authenticity of the Scriptures are questions relevant to
It is as necessary for
the Secularist to destroy Bible influences as for the farmer to
endeavor to eradicate the chickweed from his clover field.
We appeal to those who think our work fairly done to aid us in our
to those who will not work with us
we simply say, do not hinder us."
Cited in,
Atheist Eye Web Site.
(9 July, 2008).
following statement summarizes the views of atheistic humanists and their
arrogant belief that humans have need of no one to improve the human
condition. See Atheistic Humanism: The New
Messiah? on this site.
"Science can teach us, and I think our own hearts can teach us, no
longer to look around for imaginary supports, no longer to invent allies in
the sky, but rather to look to our own efforts here below to make this world
a better place to live in, instead of the sort of place that the churches in
all these centuries have made it."
Russell, Bertrand. "Why I Am Not A
Christian," Cited in,
Atheist Eye Web Site. <http://www.atheisteye.com/BertrandRussell.html>
July, 2008).
While many atheists arrogantly
attack all religions, their predilection is mostly Christianity. See
Is Christianity Evil?, on
this site.
"This website hosts a
collection of atheist essays that illuminate the lunacy and
cowardice of religious beliefs. As such, you may be offended,
insulted, or angered--maybe all three. So if you don't think
you can take it, then just stop reading right now.
I see all flavors of theism as
bordering on sheer lunacy, most of my commentary is directed at
Christians...as they are the most virulent
offenders of proselytization and religious hypocrisy.
So if it will make you sleep well tonight, feel free to exclude
yourself from this group."
The Godless Bastard Web Site.
(9 July, 2008).
"Religion is
the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, & the
soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."
Karl Marx.
Cited in Atheist Empire Web Site. <http://www.atheistempire.com/greatminds/quotes.php?author=7>
(9 July, 2008).
(Marx's ideas/religion
led to the destruction of tens of millions and helped bring about the most
bloody time in human history.) See
Crimes of Atheism, on
this site.)
"Our Bible
reveals to us the character of our god with minute and remorseless
exactness... It is perhaps the most damnatory biography that exists in print
anywhere. It makes Nero an angel of light and leading by contrast"
"[The Bible]
has noble poetry in it... and some good morals and a wealth of obscenity,
and upwards of a thousand lies."
Mark Twain,
"Reflections on Religion." Cited in Atheist Empire Web Site.
(27 Dec. 2006).
atheists speak very condemnatory words against the God of the Bible.
Unfortunately, their views are based on either Bible ignorance or a very
superficial understanding of the God of the Bible. See
Is God Cruel? on this site.)
Friedrich Nietzsche
“Before God! But
now God is dead. You superior men, this God was your greatest danger.
Only since he is in the grave, have you risen again. Only now comes
the great noontide; only now the superior man will be –Lord!"
"Suffering and taking sin upon himself might have been right for that
preacher of small people (Jesus Christ). But I
rejoice in great sin as my great solace—"
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, In Michael Curtis (Ed.) The Great Political
Theories, Vol. 2 (New York: Avon Books, 1962, PP. 261-262).
Cited in, Christopher,
J.R., G.G, Wittet, Modern Western Civilization.
Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1991, 232, 233.
“Perhaps the most
solemn conceptions that have caused the most fighting and suffering, the
conceptions “God” and “sin,” will one day seem to us of no more importance
than a child’s play thing…”
Oscar (Ed.) The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche. Volume 12,
Cited in Christopher, J.R., G.G, Wittet, Modern
Western Civilization. Toronto: Oxford
University Press, 1991, 75.
(Nietzsche was Hitler's primary source of inspiration. Need we say more? See
Was Hitler an Atheist? on this site.)
"Atheists are, in fact, the living
embodiments of the temperaments that the religious claim to possess but fail
to embody."
(Except for humility, of
Russell Cole,
“Militant Atheism” <http://www.midwest-populistamerica.com/articles/militant-atheism>
(1 October, 2008)
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